In the beginning

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Long ago when the universe was young There lived the seven great element Nations ( Fire -🔥Water-💧Earth -🌎)
(Air -🌫 Dark & Light - ☯ & Magic- 🌠)
They lived side by side undisturbed by those who were unaware of the importance of these great Nations
but the nations of Dark and light did not want equality amongst each other so they fought a battle that raged on for 400 years then great witch of the Nation of magic trap them both and cast them away propping them in the Realm of crystals never to be heard from again all kingdoms of all nations were scattered the devastation of lives and the balance of dark and Light what's Disturbed and since all heirs of All Nations where disbanded no one could fix it that is until a prophecy spoke of a restored balance of all Nations together as one

This is a story of the Elemental of nations of light and dark and how a group people of those sides defied fate to restore Ballance and of two that were supposedly not meant to be fell in love and proved everyone is in charge of their own fate I guess dark & light are not so different after all after all if a decision of War can destroy then it decision of peace and love can restore it's about One's Choice to decide which side they shall be in never underestimate power of free will the love for one's family and friends and a journey to find out what you're meant to do and life if one could live love and laugh then one could live peacefully among everybody else

This story will have romance hardship evil goodness as well as violence and mature themes so if you are under a certain age or uncomfortable the mature themes Don't hate but feel free to comment on the story opinions are very important okay my devoted readers

Enjoy your Journey

The Last Heir to the Thrown ( of Elements)Where stories live. Discover now