"Let's talk about the Black Hood." I said after a small silence. "Archie I'm scared."

    "Y/n, I won't let anything happen to you. I hate your boyfriend but I don't think he'll let that happen either." He rolled his eyes.

    "Archie. I'm a sinner." I looked down at my hands. "I left home to stay with my boyfriend and we-"

    "I don't wanna here about your sex life." He said quickly.

    "The Black Hood knows though. About Sweet Pea and the Serpents." I looked at Archie to see his face drop.

    I told Archie about what happened with Betty in the Blue and Gold. He was shocked about the Black Hood knowing, I knew he knew about Betty.

    "Y/n, you have to tell someone. I'm sure the Serpents would be happy to keep you prote-"

    "Sweets is supposed to protect me. We just need to get him out." I spoke as I stared out the window. "Are you angry I joined the Serpents?"

    "I-I just don't get it."

    "I never felt like I was really a part of your family. You guys were fine, happy too. When I got left here I felt like I was barging in on your family." I explained sadly. Arch went to say something but I cut him off. "Now I feel like I have a family, and it's my family. I've never been happier Arch. I've never felt more like I'm a part of this family, now that I'm with the Serpents."

    "I'm sorry Y/n." He muttered. "Do you really like Sweet Pea?"

    "Yeah, I really do." I couldn't help but smile. "And he's never ever been aggressive with me Arch. He's really sweet'

    "Good, if he even thought about hurting you I'd break his nose."

    "Yeah and he'd break your ribs." I chuckled.

    "No, no, no." He laughed. "I could take him."

    "Yeah totally." I giggled.

    "I totally socked him at the rumble." He bragged.

    "Yeah that's why he had you on the ground?" I laughed.

    "Okay shut up." He laughed. "We're here."

    We both got out of the truck with Juggy behind us. We all entered the state penitentiary and continued to the desk. They said only two at a time so the boys went in and I stayed behind. I honestly wanted to talk with him by myself. I hadn't talked to FP since the night of the dance when he was arrested.

    I sat and waited for a while until finally a lady told me I could come back. As I walked back I saw Jughead and Archie coming towards me. Jughead nodded at me, hopefully meaning they new what to do about the Ghoulies.

    I walked into a plain grey room. There were seats and small phones to talk to people on the other side of the glass. On the other side I saw FP. His hair was messier than normal and his beard had grown out slightly. His eyes widened when he saw me, or maybe my jacket. I reluctantly sat down at the chair and picked up the phone.

    "Y/n?" He said softly.

    "Hey." I smiled weakly.

    "It's so good to see you!" He smiled, his eyes getting glossy.

    "You too FP." I genuinely smiled. "I'm s-sorry I never came to see you."

    "Jughead told me." He nodded. "I get that you were upset about the Blossom boy."

    "I'm not mad at you, it was just too much."

    "I get it Y/n, don't worry." He smiled at me. "I'm just glad you're here."

    "Like my jacket?" I grinned. His eyes flickered down at the blue leather.

"When did you?" He looked up at me with wide eyes.

"A little bit before Jughead." I informed him.

"Before!" He was completely shocked by this entire encounter. FP didn't know anything that had happened in the last months. "How did you even meet the Serpents?"

"Well, I came to visit Jug at Southside and that's when I first met them. I don't know, they are just good people so we became friends and then I ended up pledging. I didn't have to dance though."

"What?" FP baffled.

"They took a vote, since I'm the first Northside member they made an exception." I shrugged.

"Have you met Sweet Pea then?" He asked completely unaware.

"Uh, yeah." I laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Sweet Pea and I, we're dating." I chuckled.

"Oh wow." He smirked as he leaned back in his chair. "He knows you're like a daughter to me right?"

"I don't think its hit him." I smiled.

"He's a good kid." FP grinned. "How does Freddy Andrews feel about all this?"

"I don't know, we don't really talk about it."

"He'll learn to live with it." FP reassured me. "So tell me, how is everyone down at the police station?"

"They all seemed fine, considering the circumstances. Fogarty is a little anxious but isn't he always." I chuckled, earning one from him too. "Tall Boy, who aka absolutely hates me, wouldn't wait until tomorrow when everyone should be getting released to parley so what's the plan?"

"Street Race." He smirked at me.

"Oh hell yes." I cheered.

"Is Charlie fixed up yet?" He asked me.

I absolutely loved cars, my dad and I have been fixing up an old Buick that I named Charlie, since I was 7. FP used to take me to the junkyard for parts when I was younger with Jellybean and Jughead.

"He's almost done." I replied. "The check engine light won't turn off and we are still just trying to find a muffler but we got him reupholstered and everything. Oh! He's this nice light blue now instead of that nasty green from when we first got him. It looks amazing."

"I can't wait till I can see it." He smiled sadly.

"We are gonna figure something out." I nodded to him. "Cause I don't think anybody wants Tall Boy in charge anymore."

"Yeah, I bet."

"Listen I gotta go, but I promise I'll be back." I spoke softly through the 'phone'.

"Y/n, tell Topaz, Fogarty and Sweet Pea I said 'hi', alright?"

"No problem." I smiled one last time to him.

"I love you Y/n."

"Love you too."

Word Count: 1699

A/n they love each other like family okay this isn't turning into a FP fan fic

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