Thoughts on (Y/N)

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(A/N: Sorry this took me long to write. I was having a hard time figuring out where to go with this story. Anyways enjoy this chapter.)




(Stocking's POV)

I was riding up the elevator with my bag a candy at my home, The Church of Daten City (A/N: there's no specific name for it. I've looked), until it reached as far up. As soon as I exited it and entered the living room, another also person came into the room from the kitchen. That person happens to be the reverend of the Church and my and my sister's "mentor," Garterbelt.

Garterbelt: Hello Stocking. Back from getting more sweet shit, I see.

Stocking: No thanks to Chuck. Anyways, is Panty here?

Instead of him answering, I heard a loud moan for upstairs that was no doubt from my sister.

Garterbelt: Does that answer your question?

I let out of annoyed moan. So much for some peace and quiet.

Garterbelt: I'm going down to my studies. Dinner's on the stove; you just need to let it cool down, less you want to burn yourself like a dumb bitch.

Stocking: Yea, whatever.

With that, he entered the elevator and went down, leaving me alone.

At least someone has a quiet place. I sat down on the couch and ate a few pieces of candy from my bag to calm my nerves. Seriously, this almost an everyday thing with her. Why didn't I went back to heaven after that whole gates of hell incident? I suppose it's because she's my sister and we have to stick together or some cheesy crap like that.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see our pet chuck trying to steal some of my candy again. Like hell he is! Next thing you know, I gave him a quick beating before throwing him to the trash. At least that relieved some stress.

As I went back to my thoughts, I started thinking about that guy. What was his name...(Y/N)? I don't know why, but I have this strange feeling about him like there's something about him that no one knows. However, I didn't think about it for long as the guy that Panty fucked came by all nude, carrying his clothes that were thankfully covering his junk. But it didn't keep me from letting out another annoyed groan.

Random guy: Wow, that was awesome! You angels are really something else.

Then came my sister who was using her sheets to cover herself.

Panty: Yea, Yea I guess it was.

Sounds like Panty wasn't as satisfied as he was.

Random guy: So I'll call you later, okay?

Panty: Whatever, you can go now.

She then shoved him into the elevator and sent him down before letting out a frustrated groan.

Panty: Fuck! Why is it so hard to find some good men these days?

Stocking: Probably because you already fucked all the "good" men. Seriously, you already reached your goal of screwing 1000 men. Why are you still fucking any random guy you see.

Panty: It not any random guy, it guys that I see that might have some potential.

I rolled my eyes at her statement.

Stocking: Oh sure, any guy with a pretty face always mean that they could give you the fucking of a lifetime, only to end up receiving nothing but disappointment.

Panty: You know, you sure give it a try yourself. You might enjoy it.

Stocking: I've not spread my legs to every guy I see. And besides, If I wanted to have someone in my panties, it would be someone who would love as much as I would love him. Like Patrick.

Panty then lets out an annoyed groan at the mention of that name.

Panty: Seriously, you still think about that ghost. That guy is long gone. And besides, he wasn't even worth the anyone's time, let alone yours.

I gave her a glare after what she said. Who does she think she is talking about him like that. That whore of a sister doesn't even know what's it like to be in love. I was gonna say something back her but was interrupted by the sound of their stomachs growling for food. So I just sighed.

Stocking: I don't have time to argue with you. Gaterbelt made dinner.

Panty: Awesome, I'm starving.

(Short time-skip, No one's POV)

Panty and Stocking were both in the kitchen eating Garter's famous curry, and Panty was enjoying it.

Panty: You know, Garter is still a pain in the ass, But he sure can make some good shit. This is definetly what I need after that boring sex, wouldn't you say Stocking.

Stocking, however, wasn't paying attention to her or her food. Her mind was on something else, or someone else.

Panty: Hey, Stocking? Sugar-tits. HEY!

She then threw Chuck, who was conveniently right next to her, right to Stocking's face. Stocking then gave her sister an annoyed glare.

Stocking: WHAT IS IT, WHORE?!

Panty: You were zoning out. What's on your mind.

Stocking then calmed down a bit.

Stocking: I was just thinking about something.

Panty: Is it about that quote-unquote boyfriend of yours.

Stocking: (Not gonna let that statement get to me.) No, It's about (Y/N).

Panty: You mean the new guy? What about him?

Stocking: Well, it just I'm getting a weird feeling about him.

Panty: (smirking) You think he's cute, don't ya.

Stocking: (annoyed) No, I think he's hiding something.

Panty: (raised eyebrow) What do you mean?

Stocking: He took on an entire team of jocks by himself and gained so much popularity on his first day, kinda like us. Don't you think that's a little suspicious?

Panty took a moment to think about what she's saying.

Panty: You know now that I think about it, he was actually willing to be friends with geekboy. You think he might be gay?

Stocking: I doubt that's his secret.

Panty: That's got to it, cause why else would he decline a chance of having a time of his life with me, twice?

Stocking: Maybe it's because he's smart.

Panty: Whatever, Gay or not, I think that guy has potential. And I'm going to experience it sooner or later.

Stocking just put her hand on her face and gave an annoyed groan.

Stocking's thoughts: Why did I think that she would understand what I mean?"

Stocking: You know what, forget it.

Stocking then left the table without finishing her dinner.

Panty: You're not gonna finish your food?

Stocking: I'm not hungry anymore.

She left the kitchen and went to her room, allowing Chuck to jump on the table and eat her food herself.

Panty: Yeesh, what's her problem?

As soon as Stocking entered her room along with her sack of candy she bought and emptied it to her candy storage. She went straight to her birdcage bed and just stared at the ceiling while thinking about (Y/N).

Stocking's thought: I know your hiding something, and I'm going to figure it out somehow

She then drifted off to sleep.

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