chapter 1

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Hey I'm Rose and this is my first day at a new school and I noticed that there Is a group of 7 cute guys here called BTS.

I went to go to my new class room to introduce my self because no one knows my name yet anyway.

Rose: get my name is rose and I would like to get to know all about you guys and be come friends, every one nodded apart from this one boy who looked me up an down and then his friend Jimin noticed it so he whispered in Yoongi's eat saying "stop looking at her she can notice that you like her Yoongi," then Yoongi looked back at the teacher and done his work.

In class there was two girls came up to me called Zimoku and Choon-hee to ask me to be friends and a week later we became so close with each other and they told me who they liked but I really didn't want them to know who I liked but I will tell them soon I think.

The next day Yoongi and Jimin went up to me and asked "would you and your friend =s like to go to a party thus weekend?" and I nodded because I think this would be so fun, so I went looking for Zimoku and Choon-hee to tell them about the party.

When I found them I asked them about it and they agreed, so I went looking for Yoongi to get his number off him so he can text me his address, then an hour looking for him I shouted his name, "YOONGI!" he then turned around and asked "what do you need my number so I can message you my address." and I was surprizes that he knew what I wanted and I nodded.

*the following nigh at Yoongi's*

me and the girls arrived at the party and I saw seven sexy boys but the I realised two familiar faces it was Jimin and Yoongi.

Then they shouted us over to introduce me to there 5 other friends named, Jin, Tae, J-hope, Jungkook and Namjoon, they all say "hey" and I just nodded, then Yoongi messaged me.

*on the phone*

Yoongi: hey can we talk please somewhere private because it's importan.

Rose: sure where shall we go to talk?

Yoongi: my room, it would say on the door ' FUCK OFF' okie.

Rose: okie see ya in a bit.

*off the phone*

Yoongi told the boys he is going in his room to do something and I told the girls I'm going to the toilet. I got up stairs and the first door was the one Yoongi told me to go to, so I knocked on the door and I him say "come in rose." so I slowly walked in his room and walked to his bed to sit on, and I asked him "what did you want to talk to me about what was important?" he looked at me with lush and replied "because I wanted to tell you that I like you and I want you to be my girlfriend and the only person who knows how I feel about you is Jimin and I know you think i'm a play boy I am but when im around you its like i'm a different person rose. I was surprized by the words he just said.

*Yoongi's pov*

I told rose how I feel about her and by her expression that she is surprized abut what I told her, but she is so beautiful and cute the thing is does she like me back.

*End of Yoongi's pov*

I was building the courage to tell Yoongi how I felt until Jimin walks in so Yoongi shouts "GET THE FUCK OUT NOW IM FUCKING TALKING CANT YOU SEE!" Jimin looked shocked and nodded then cloed the door, after all that I said, "Yoongi...I-I like you to and I wanted to ask you out but I was scared that you would say no because your the hottest guy in the school cause your in a K-pop band and I'm just so different than you in different ways what's hard to explain."

Then I looked up at Yoongi and he had the most cutest smile on his face then he replies "Rose I feel the same way and I was worriy that u woulnot like me back because I thought that  you I'm a Playboy but I'm not like the others because you will be my first  girlfriend", and I nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

*Time skip home*
I was lying on my bed thinking should I tell Yoongi about me being a vampire but I could tell something was different about his  like he was  royalty like a pure vampire and the other 6 guys in the group.

I woke up to get ready for school and I looked on my phone and I had a message off Yoongi saying "I'll pick you up in 30 minutes to get to school, love you baby💝."

So I did my morning routine then had something to eat and walked out my house and saw Yoongi.

*At school*

At school Yoongi was holding my hand and everyone was just stay at me cuz I wasn't popular like Yoongi, he noticed that I was looking down and he whispered " babe you okie cause your looking down, is it that everyone is looking at us."and I just nodded slowly, because he knows about my anxiety and I hate being senter of attention, because people will come up to me and ask a lot of questions then I will get shy and get awkward about it, plus I hate being centre of attention.

 My crush into my boyfriend  BTS ff Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now