All My Demons Greeting Me As A Friend

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~Aurora Inspired~

A runaway  conqueror running with the wolfs, lucky to be alive living free among nature; the place she ever so desired  free

 To fly with the winter birds lost in her own world  & never say I went too far a warrior for all she believes making her own peace battling to the murder song 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 a song of her creation 

Fighting for the home she knew was a place she truly belonged dance in the rain of the bloodshed she wishes could fall away from the path she's taken

As tides of a war trying to bring her home but got her swallowed by the oceans under the water down to the sea floor

Blooming from the looming darkness as black water lilies that stretch halfway around the world spreading that  he murder song 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Finding the nature boy the lover of the dream that she has always hoped was real dancing in the wonderland they create together

Were there wisdom cries life to the plains and the ripples throughout time and space profusing to the entire universe shaking every galaxy

To once again end up running with the wolf but with the child that may bare the dreams of all creation becoming  the Sandman of place that we wish to reach 

Were all my demons greeting me as a friend

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