Sierra tried to ignore what Allegra had claimed in her progress of waiting for the right time to go to Ramin, but something in her was so extremely at tense that she could not do anything. She and Ramin had decided upon seven but Sierra had been, well, nervous, even though she really could not figure out why, so she was done but the time was only a quarter over six. It did not feel right to call Ramin and wonder if she could come earlier, no, just wait. But the problem was that when she tried she could not concentre and her thought only flipped away to Ramin which couldn't be good, considering Allegra. Stop it Sierra! It's nothing, you are just overreacting, stop being like a teenage girl. To once again try to stop herself from thinking too much she scanned her room for the hundred time today trying to find anything to keep her occupied. Not that anything new suddenly plopped up since the last time she looked, but just as she was starting to give up she caught a glimpse of Oliva in the corner of her eye. The grey-reddish cat just ran into her living room. To be totally honest it was not her little darling that she cared about right know, it was the almost forgotten guitar in the corner of the room. Despite her father loving to play guitar she had never properly learnt it, she had tried but it somehow, she always ended up just singing the song without any chords. But right now, her tree song guitar was perfect for keeping herself occupied.

Sierra stared playing a song she kind of remembered in her head, wildflowers. She knew the first chord, but later it was harder. Luckily for her she had a good ear and after a little fipple got the right chords. It was way funnier this way than to just use the internet, and it was good training. Not just guitar but for singing as well. It was always good to keep on with the tuning. Sierra started singing the song softly to the chords. It was kind of embarrassing, but she was not used to this and found it kind of hard. Okey, she tried again, using a simple pattern, just down, down, down.

- The hills were ali... crap.

The instrument let out a, what to call it, grown. Sierra shifted place in her sofa, looking up exactly the right time to se Oliva walk out from the room. Great, even the cats thought this was strange. Sierra prepped herself for one more;

- The hills were ali...

Come on, the exact same place. Her father made it look so easy when he played, but the worst thing with this was that Sierra had known how to play this just some years ago when she, her father and Ramin had played it. Sierra smiled to herself thinking about how happy Ramin was with his banjo. He was always so cute when he got the chance to play broadgrass or other things alike, like a little boy on Christmas eve. A boy that had opened all of his presents and gotten that car he wanted, that superhero figure and the Star Wars pyjamas. Sierra could see those beautiful brown eyes of his... What? What... Sierra, what are you thinking? A little lump formed in Sierras stomach, maybe Allegra was right. Sierra did not want to let herself think about it anymore, so she left the guitar on her sofa storming out of the room to go to Ramin. The moment she placed down the instrument Oliva dared to go in again, which was a little, well typical. Come on, nothing was not going. Well, something felt like it had changed between Ramin and her, but the fact was that it all was in Sierras head. That was the last thought before she closed the door and stormed out in the cloudy but still warm weather.


He heard three light knocks on the door and hurried towards it to open for Sierra.

- Welcome mademoiselle; he said when he saw Sierra's shirt and gave her a bear hug.

- Thank you, monsieur; Sierra answered and giggled a little.

He stepped aside so she could come in. As she took off her shoes he couldn't take his eyes off her. Did she always look this beautiful? She used to have these kinds of clothes but still he felt like she had changed something. No, it was not the clothes, she still had those almost child kind of clothes, yoga pants in different bright colours and cute t-shirts with stuff like animals printed on them. What was it that was different then? Was it her hair? No, Ramin did not think so and he could not ask because that would be awkward. Trying not to make her uncomfortable by staring at her he said:

I Don't Have a Choice, But I'd Still Choose You || A Rierra FanficWhere stories live. Discover now