- Allegra! How are you?

- I'm fine, and you?

- Fine; Sierra answered. Just a little tired. But why are you calling?

- Oh, right. I'm calling you cause I'm coming to New York today, because in two days I'm going on holiday and I'll fly from New York and therefore I wondered if we can do something?

- How fun! Of course I'll do something with you. Movie night as usual?

- Absolutely!

Sierra could almost hear that her sister was smiling on the other side of the line and after another ten minutes of catching up they ended the phone call. She was extremely excited to meet her sister, it had been a while now since last time they met.

Allegra was supposed to come to Sierra's flat within an hour. She had bought all food that was going to be needed, e.g. ice cream, doughnuts and other sweets that was needed when you have a girl/movie night. Because it was only her sister coming and no one special she didn't clean her flat from all the cat hair and therefore she had nothing to do. To make time go faster she paced around her living room and sometimes did some random hand stands against the wall.

After about 30 minutes of waiting the doorbell rang and she ran to open the door. She was greeted by her sister that was equally excited as she was. They hugged and immediately started talking about everything that had happened in their lives during the last couple of months. After talking for twenty minutes Allegra suddenly said:

- How was the concert you did?

- Which of them? Sierra asked, hoping she did not sound too boastful.

- The "Broadway classics" one.

Sierra had really enjoyed that one, especially since it always was fun to do things together with Ramin. Going to Japan each year was always thrilling, but it was mainly because Ramin wanted her to go with him she followed. This concert had been filled with famous artists. Not only Ramin but also people like her "father" Norm.

- Aha, it was great. We had a lot of fun, especially backstage.

- I could imagine that. Especially since you were with Ramin; she said with a significative smile.

- Yeah, or what do you mean?

- Oh, nothing; she said trying to look innocent.

- What?

- Nothing, just very many posts on Instagram with you two.

Sierra recalled the photo she posted of them singing a song from "Secret Garden", it had been a photo of him kissing her hand after the song. Sierra hoped that Allegra did nor suspect the wrong thing.

- Of course, he's my best friend.

- Sure; she said.

- Allegra, you know he's my best friend!

- Have I said anything else?

- Well, no.

Her immediate reaction when her sister hinted that Sierra might be in love Ramin was to defend herself, even if she knew that wasn't the case. She had never reacted this way before, maybe because her sister never had said thing like this before, but still, she knew her sister didn't believe her.

They were in the middle of watching "The Little Mermaid" when Sierra's phone rang. She picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID. Why did Ramin call her now? Her heart began beating faster as she accepted the call and pressed the phone against her ear.

- Hi? Sierra said as she paused the movie.

- Hello Sie, what are you doing? He asked.

- I'm watching little mermaid with Allegra. Why?

- Oh, nothing. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to do something tomorrow? He almost sounded a bit sad, but she didn't understand why.

- Well, maybe not tomorrow, but some time later in the week? Sierra said as she leaned back in the sofa.

- Sure; he said sounding less sad. I'm not gonna bother you anymore, say hi to Allegra from me.

- Okay. Bye Ramen! She said with a laugh.

- Bye Siruh!

She declined the call and put the phone back on the table. When she looked up she saw Allegra looking at her with a big smile.

- Why are you smiling? Sierra asked hesitantly.

- You like him, right?

- What? No!

- Okay, so the facts that your face is an alarming shade of red, you smiled like an idiot when you talked to him and you have a heart behind his name on your contact don't hint at all that you have feelings for him?

Sierra got quite mad, why did her sister have to be this childish. She didn't like Ramin, and even if she would she wouldn't tell Allegra the first thing she did. Why did Allegra never give up?!

- Please stop! I don't like him, the heart is there because he added it by himself, and it's quite hot in here and that's why I'm red; that was not the real reason, but her sister didn't need to know that. And of course I'm happy. He's my best friend in this world.

- Okay, I'm not gonna argue but you know the truth yourself too.

They started the movie again and watched the rest in silence.

I Don't Have a Choice, But I'd Still Choose You || A Rierra FanficWhere stories live. Discover now