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This is a weird one...

I woke up from a nap, we had just moved in here and we were unpacking. I had the luxury of not unpacking because I had last night. I was walking my dog when I see this big silver and black UFO fly right over our house and land in the middle of the town.

Aliens started rushing out of the ship and they looked like humans but they had all sorts of crazy eyes. My favorite one was this guy with purple eyes. He looked at me and we locked eyes for a solid minute. He looked beautiful. He started running towards me so i sprinted back inside (with my dog) and I found this random girl in my living room with some other guy making out.

I mumbled under my breath 'i wish I had love'. Just then they vanished and the guy from before bursts through my door. I look at him and I start to blush as he looks at me with lust. He ran towards me and before I knew it i was trapped with his ragged breath fanning my face and his purple eyes looking at me with love in them.

He loved me. He leaned in closer and he said " I love you. You are my other half and I will never let you go " I saw him move even closer and before I knew we were kissing and I could feel sparks radiating off of us. He had let go and I had gained powers like he had. I began to fly. I drifted over to the door and I flew towards these abandoned buildings. I flew straight through them and wached as they crumpled. I then landed on top of this house with a glass roof and found my best friend making out with an alien. She was happy. I looked next to me and asked my alien boyfriend why he was here and he said

" were here to find our other halfs. We are lost without them and we knew you were here. I am the king of my people and I have the power to give and take peoples powers. You are my other half and I would be devastated if i lost you." I looked at him and I kissed him. "I-I I love you too" I looked at him and realized his eyes had changed from purple to pink/red. He looked beautiful and I never wanted him to leave. We went home and I fell asleep next to him while i was cuddling with him. He made me feel protected. I woke up the next morning to find out that he had to leave because he had to return to his planet because something had happened and these were his last words. "I love you, but I have to leave. I will be back, I promise." He kissed me before he left and I started to cry.


Or is it?

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