"Thank you, Imogen

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"Thank you, Imogen." Tears began to well in my eyes from this emotional moment but I held them back. I still wasn't sure how she felt about the whole emotions thing. I took my leave from the hall and hoped to see Izzy before her trial. I also wanted to tell Magnus that I had gotten my Angelic Rune. 

When I was in Izzy's room I showed her my new Angelic Rune and I also showed her the ring that had belonged to my mother. I knew she would have normally been very ecstatic for me but right now her mood was melancholy. 

"I'm happy for you Elena I truly am."

"I know you are Izzy and I know your trial is soon. So who did you pick to be your Advocate?"

"Magnus Bane." 

"Smart, he could bypass the Clave's rules as for when the rule was made the Clave never thought that a Shadowhunter would choose a Downworlder to be their Advocate. Izzy, I have a good feeling about your trial especially with Magnus Bane defending you. The Clave won't know what hit them Iz." 

The Trial: 

Magnus held the Soul Sword and told the truth as that he would defend Izzy with integrity. Imogen sat in The High Inquisitors chair as that's who she was. She didn't look too happy that Magnus Bane was the one defending Izzy but I was. I hide my expression though. 

"Make your case Warlock," Imogen spoke coldly.

"My case is simple. It is true Isabelle Lightwood acted against orders of the Clave by trying to free the Seelie Meliorn but she did not act against the interest of the Clave. Preventing the forced questioning and possible death of a Seelie may have saved the Accords."

"We're not here to speculate what might have happened if the defendant hadn't interfered." 

"You mean what might have happened if she hadn't stopped the Silent Brothers from torturing a Seelie."

"I await a valid argument. Do you have one?"

"What you really want is the Mortal Cup. My client doesn't have it. Since this whole proceeding isn't about what it's really about I move to have this case dismissed."

"You're out of order."

"Oh, this whole thing is out of order. It's not Isabelle's fault, it's the cup. Put the cup on trial." 

It was now Izzy's turn to be questioned. I twisted in my seat to get a better view of Izzy. Lydia began asking her questions.

"You have led us to believe that you alone have carried out this operation but Clary Fairchild was seen near the City of Bones that night."

"Maybe she was out for a walk."

"And you expect us to believe you distracted the guards and escaped with the prisoner all on your own?"

"Pretty slick right?" Izzy almost smirked in Imogen's direction. I couldn't help it a smile founds its way on my face and I hide it behind my hand. You go, Izzy!

"I suggest you think about how slick it would be if Valentine uses the Mortal Cup to raise an army of rogue Shadowhunters." Imogen looked at Izzy as she spoke.

"I don't want Valentine to succeed."

"Well, that's the first sane thing I've heard from you."

"You know what's insane? Thinking we have the right to treat a Downworlders life as worthless."

"Isabelle, I should warn you everything you say will be used in the verdict," Lydia added.

"Good. Consider this," Izzy stood up in confidence. "Valentine didn't just come out of nowhere. We use our angle blood to justify everything we do just like him, just like him we forget we are only part angles, we are part mundane. We can be afraid. Fear makes us cruel and we turn our fear to Downworlders just as Valentine did and just as he did we will end up turning on each other."

"You think we're doing that to you?" Imogen spoke up.

"You'll have to answer that yourself, Madam Inquisitor." 

After that Izzy took he seat next to Magnus. Silence filled the room before Magnus stood up.

"I'd like to call Lydia Branwell to the stand." 

"I don't see the relevance," Imogen stated.

"Well, that makes two of us. I don't see the relevance to this whole trial. Ms. Branwell if you'll take the stand." Lydia made her way over to the stand and sat down. "I just have one question. Why are you prosecuting this case?" 

"Answer the question Counsular," Imogen spoke as she looked at Lydia expectantly. 

"Because the Law is hard, but it is the Law." I rolled my eyes at Lydia's response. "But that doesn't make it right. We're trying someone for being compassionate, thinking for herself. She saved a life that was being sacrificed for nothing." 

"That will be enough Branwell."

"No. It isn't. Looking out at the faces here, a brother and sister here who disagree on everything except for how much they love one another and how loyal they are to each other. A man who took this case pretending to want payment in rare objects but who really believes injustice towards his friends is intolerable. Loyalty, decency, compassion, love these are the concepts we should consider to decide guilt or innocence in a case like this." My grandmother slammed her hand down on her chair. 

"Those are not the concepts of the Law. Now enough of this nonsense."

"I agree. The case is nonsense. I withdraw the charges." Lydia cuts off my Imogen. 

People stood up in celebration that Izzy would be free but I knew that wouldn't be the case. My Grandmother would have the last word. 

"If you think refusing to prosecute exculpates the defendant you are wrong. She is guilty. The defense was correct. The Clave wants the Mortal Cup. If it is returned within 24 hours this ruling will be vacated if it, not Isabelle Lightwood will be stripped of her runes and exiled from the society of the Shadowhunters forever." She slammed the gavel sealing her word. My good feeling was gone. If Jace or Clary didn't return to the Institute soon Izzy will lose all she has ever known. 

I stayed with Izzy in hope that Jace or Clary will be back soon. I didn't want to leave Izzy alone at a time like this. The Clave wasn't being fair any of this. Izzy only did what she thought was best. Izzy was laying in my lap as my fingers ran through her silky raven locks. Both of us lost in our own thoughts. 

Later on, I was relaxing by the fire with Magnus while Izzy walked around. Magnus apologized about losing the case but even I knew it wasn't his fault. Alec walked in and told us that Jace and Clary were back and that Izzy was free. I was so happy for her that after she hugged Alec I hugged her tightly. 

"See I told you, Izzy, I had a good feeling about tonight."

"Cupcake, don't forget you still owe me a dinner." He kissed me on the forehead and I couldn't help but blush. 

"Of course, Darling I would never forget. I'll call you later to discuss details." I kissed him on the cheek before he left as Alec walked him out. 

"You're free Izzy and I'm thinking we need a girls night with just us."

"I am definitely okay with that Elena." 

Three of Us (MalecxOC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora