Chapter 2: Loss of Peace... or is it?

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Chapter 2: Loss of Peace... or is it?

The mellifluous sound pierces the night, becoming entwined in the breeze, and being carried away as if it was never said. But, it had been, and now they could never go back.

Draco's eyes widen. No. This could not be happening. His only peace cannot be shattered as well. His eyes widen infinitesimally more and his weight moves imperceptibly onto his heels. Her once fair and lovely profile is now fully unveiled. She should feel proud, no one has ever made Mr. Malfoy appear this shocked.

"Well? Will you speak or are you going to just stand there?" He can only focus on those same expressive lips he has observed so many times before. His mind works in overdrive, trying to piece the voice with the picture, trying to animate the beautiful painting in his head.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," he replies. Draco is used to putting on a show at every other time, except during their little not-so rendezvous. Being such an innocent setting with all the memories it has, this Platform cannot be poisoned by his the deceit of his act. This was where the train would take the young minds to explore. This was where a lifetime's worth of friendships began, not that Draco understood much about the latter.

Hermione raises an eyebrow, seeing through his aloofness as clearly as a window. His eyes remain glazed with the makeup of his mask, but inside, he cannot understand how her eyes seem to look through his, see his soul and put his heart under judgement, constricting it tighter and tighter.

"I will not be running away. I know you have seen me here often," Hermione states, plainly and simply.

To her, these nights are less of an escape, and more of a solace. You cannot escape that which surrounds you. But, she does not have to put on appearances here. She does not have to mask her feelings. She can simply be one with the chaos of a storm or one with the peace of a moon.

She has felt another presence there, ever since her first time visiting the area. At that point, she was ready to go with Draco, if he were to arrest her. Life without Ron seemed meaningless to her, and with Harry as he was more of an inevitability, or so she thought.

But, her silent companion never approached her. Never talked, never left before she and never took his eyes off of her. She almost looks forward to their little meetings, for there is someone with whom she can be lonely, but not alone with. Every month for the past 3 years, he has accompanied her and for that brief moment in time, she is a little bit less empty.

Draco pauses, unsure of his next move. She takes a step towards him, and he feels he is being cornered. This world is a game of chess and even a pawn has the ability to kill the King if it gets too close. He very well cannot take a step back-no, not he who has such authority in the new reign of the Dark Lord.

"And? Should I care?" he says coolly, narrowing his eyes as he goes into his verbal defense. No pawn could stand up to a King's might!

She smiles a half smile, tilting her head and staring up at him from under her eyelashes. His breath catches. Get yourself together!

"I don't know why you do this. You make it seem as if I'm attacking you. How would I even be able to? You have not done anything to me, so why would I harm you?" She raises her eyebrow again, this time in innocent questioning. "Calm down, Draco. After all these nights, I'm sure we can speak like adults."

Now, something should be made very clear. No one, no one, calls Draco Malfoy, "Draco." That is a right reserved solely for his mother, and a name exploited by his father. That is not meant for people like his former enemy, Hermione Granger. And so, if that does not make Draco's eyes widen like a deer caught in headlights, nothing would. She has used an arsenal that he did not know existed.

Yet somehow, his heart unclenches, his breathing slows and his jaw relaxes, his mouth going slightly dry. He is comforted by what should have been most repulsive. He is soothed by the musical voice that he has just begun associating with his monthly landscape.

"And what would we speak about?"

"Anything. Perhaps why? Or something else? This is not time for me to hide myself or scurry away. This is my time to be at rest and I think you know a little something about that too."

"What's your favourite colour?" blurts out Draco. She is getting just a little bit too close to hitting the nail on the head. And yes, ladies and gentleman, that is how the normally reposed and collected Draco Malfoy, decides to divert her attention.

Her smile grows, the shadows on her cheek hinting at dimples, though they are not quite visible. The serenity in her eye gives way for a little radiance that makes them glow. "Red, though not why you're expecting. You?"

"Silver, though not why you're expecting either," he counters. His eyes return to normal and a genial smirk overtakes his face. Now it is his turn to raise one ever-so challenging eyebrow, asking the question that both have too much pride to ask verbally.

"And what would I be expecting, exactly?" She asks, challenging him back, her smile growing evermore slowly.

"I don't know. It is nothing of importance to me," he replies, jokingly rolling his eyes and putting on an overly pretentious look of haughtiness. The last thing he wishes to do was bring in their houses and Hogwarts and the rest of the world, when they were in their little bubble. Here, he is not a Death Eater, and she, not a Mudblood. He steps forward, meeting her halfway on the cobblestone sidewalk.

"And why is red your favourite?" He smirks, finally asking the question at hand.

She steps by his side, brushing his ear with her whisper, "Not just yet." He stands, paralyzed by her bold actions. When he finally regains control and turns to her, she is walking away. She looks to him one last time, those same unruly ringlets bouncing in her quiet laughter, and with a wink, her black cloak disappears.

His watch keeps ticking: 8:01, 8:02, 8:03. But still he stands there.

For once, a genuine smile on his face.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, or any related characters, places and intellectual property. All rights are to JK Rowling.

A/N: As promised, chapter 2. :) Please feel free to leave a review :) What do you think of the one, Mister Draco Malfoy? ;P

And of course, thank you so very much for reading. Hope to see you here next week too :)


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