Julie gasped as her hand shot to her mouth covering it in her pure shock.

"Mogami-san, you have to be mistaken," Lory said as he approached slowly with Kuu.

"No one even knows who the Heels are never mind who Ren is. How could they be after Kuon?" Lory asked as he stared at the eyes of the terrified looking girl.

"I don't know, but can't you see? Every time anything has happened it wasn't aimed at Cain... it was aimed at me. Kuon has a horrible past, I know that now. I know he was angry and he would lash out at people for the smallest things.

So they attacked him in the best way they saw. They were not trying to hurt us. They were trying to make Cain lose his temper to make Kuon come out."

And even though it should have been impossible. It should never have been able to happen in the way Kyoko spoke it all made sense. The pepper spray attack, the reporter asking about Setsu's honour as a woman. Hell if they thought about it maybe even the whole incest scandal. In America it probably was frowned upon worse than in Japan even? If it had not been an act, if they had really wanted to get at Kuon in the old days saying something like that would have tipped him over the edge. Hell saying he had dirty blood had tipped him over the edge.

"Excuse me," Kyoko said.

With her tears dried she turned back to the laptop and started searching topics in the internet search bar. The three people looking over her shoulder were stunned at the information Kyoko was able to pull up from internet sites, old magazines and newspapers in the drop of a hat. They were all about that night. The night Rick died. It was all there in print as Setsu started scouring the pages reading the information almost as quick as her beloved Moko-san. Then she saw it.

The name she had hoped not to find, the person who she believed was the cause of all of this. The person who was attacking her most beloved man, not for his crimes in this life as Cain Heel and not for his crimes in his life as Tsuruga Ren. They were extracting crimes for Hizuri Kuon and they were doing it in the only way they knew.

"Oh Kuon," Kyoko said as she flopped into the chair that Lory's aid Sebastian had pulled up for her. It was all there in black and white and Kyoko understood now. She understood just how deeply this hatred ran.

"Kyoko?" Kuu questioned as four sets of eyes stared at the now defeated looking girl.

"We need to figure out what to do," Kyoko said softly as the four people in the room all sat down in the chairs to listen to the girl who seemed to know all.

"Where do you think he's going?" Chiori asked as they followed Cain Heel while he furiously stalked through the hallways of LME. Kanae shrugged as she watched people scurrying before the man who looked like he brought death in his wake.

"Not sure. Though to be honest I'm not even sure he knows." Chiori nodded as they followed Cain on his rampage.

Kanae was right too. Kuon didn't know where he was going. He wasn't really paying attention either as his eyes were veiled in red. He was furious! How dare she kick him out! how dare she push him away! Hadn't he given her his all? Hadn't he laid everything out for her in black and white how much he needed her? How much he cared for her? And all she could do was push him away and reject him like that!

After everything she had done for him today. Hell she had even allowed him to touch her body in ways he knew Kyoko would never allow if she did not care for him! But no she had been Setsu after all... and he had been Cain. But then?

Why did she call him Corn? Cain stopped. He couldn't understand her as he turned and punched the wall venting his frustration with a cry.


Brotherly Love, Sisterly Sin. (A Skip Beat! Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now