Chapter 1

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"Sweetie, It's time to get up for school," Luke whispered to his eldest son, Michael, a bright and whitty boy of just six. He ran his hand through the young boy's naturally blond hair, massaging his head, trying to gently wake him up just like every morning.

The father had quickly learned since they first adopted Michael that this was the best way to get the boy up and ready for the day, since the boy was not particularly a morning person it needed to be this way or he would be in a horrible mood until lunch.

"No, Daddy, it's to early," the six year old mumbled into his pillow, refusing to lift up his head.

Luke rolled his eyes fondly, for some reason his son liked to believe that every morning his father wakes him up earlier then he was actually supposed to get up. "No, baby, it's the same time I wake you up everyday. Now up and at 'em or you will be late for school. Papa won't be very happy about that."

Michael grumbled one more time before lifting his head, forcing his face to be hit with the sunlight that was coming through his window, "Daddy! It's to bright in here!"

Luke shook his head with a fond smile on his face, "What am I going to do with you?"

The little boy looked up at his father with a charming smile, "Not make me go to school."

"Nice try mister," the blond haired man laughed, kissing his eldest on the cheek, "now get dressed, while I go wake up Calum." Luke left the room, walking across the hall to wear his other son was sound asleep in his 'big boy bed.'

They just recently got the bed for the three year old boy last weekend, and Calum couldn't have been happier running around the house telling everyone that he was now a big boy just like Michael, but his older brother crushed his dreams of being just like him when he responded, "You're not a big boy, you still wear pull-ups. They're for babies." Needless to say it lead to a crying three year old and a six year old on the time out chair.

Luke rubbed the toddlers back, "Wakey wakey baby boy," he cooed. Immediately Calum shot out of bed and jumped into his fathers arms. His youngest was a better in the mornings than his eldest, and Ashton was pretty sure the three year old was always awake before either of them went in the room to get him up.

"Hi Daddy!" the three year old cheered, giving Luke a crinkle eyed grin.

"Well look whose in a good mood today," the man laughed before blowing raspberries on Calum's bare stomach. The small boy insisted on sleeping shirtless, regardless of how cold it actually was in the room, he told his fathers that since papa sleeps shirtless, he should too. Luke glared at his husband after his three year old said that because his baby was simply to young to be already copying Ashton's antics in his opinion.

"What should we do today, hm?" Luke asked the small boy, looking through the extensive wardrobe the three year old had. "How about after Bubba goes to school and Papa to work, you and I go to the park. Does that sound good?"

Calum gave his father and big nod, "Yep, Daddy. You can push me on the swing!"

"That's right, Cubby." Bubba and Cubby became Michael and Calum's nicknames around the time Calum was learning to talk, with Michael being much to hard for the younger boy to pronounce he had taken to calling his brother Bubba instead. Michael then decided that Calum too need and nickname, and after Luke told him that no he could not call his little brother dum-dum, he settled for Cubby instead because Calum is Luke's little bear cub.

Luke pulled out an outfit that he had grown to love seeing his son in, a little white polo shirt with pin-stripped overall shorts and little white shoes and socks, "Okay baby, can you get dressed in these clothes while I go and make some breakfast." Calum gave two sharp nods, so Luke set the boy on the ground, laid out the outfit on his bed, and left the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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