A Werewolf at Hogwarts

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Three years came and went. Remus had adjusted to being outside when the full moon was up, but that didn't mean he enjoyed being a werewolf. In wolf form, he felt vicious. He'd probably killed about fifty animals in the forest by now. In human form, however, he was counting down the days until he would finally take his first journey to Hogwarts. What house would he get sorted into? He was hoping for Gryffindor, as his father had been placed there. On the other hand, his mother had been in Ravenclaw. Either house would satisfy him.

Remus was expecting a letter from Hogwarts, listing all the materials he needed for the term. Coming to dinner one August day, he saw that his father was holding one. Remus eagerly walked up to him. "Is that for me?"

"Yes," his father replied in a sad voice, "and I'm afraid it's not your Hogwarts letter." He gave the letter to his son. Surely enough, his name was on the front. But the envelope wasn't bearing the Hogwarts seal.

Remus opened it and began to read.

Dear Mr. Remus Lupin,

As you know, you are now of the age to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Congratulations! However, we have also gained knowledge that you are not entirely human. Werewolves are dangerous to any creature they come in contact with. We fear that you would pose a threat to the students of Hogwarts, and so it is with deepest regret that we prohibit you from entering the school grounds. You must find an alternative way to receive your magical education.

Best wishes,

The Ministry of Magic

Remus sat down, crestfallen. "I knew I had to stay away from people when I'm a wolf, but I had no idea it would keep me from Hogwarts!" He couldn't help but start crying, just as his mother entered the room.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Remus handed her the letter. After reading it, she wrapped her arms around her son."Oh, Remus. We should have told you this might happen."

"It's not fair!" he exclaimed indignantly. "Wasn't it bad enough that I could kill either of you accidentally?"

"Believe me, I feel your anger," his father said.

"You don't know how I feel!" Remus yelled.

"You'd be surprised how much I understand you," Mr. Lupin countered. "The werewolf who changed you, Fenrir Greyback... well, you could say I know him."

"Wait!" Mrs. Lupin interrupted. "Are you sure you want to tell Remus about this?"

"Tell me what?" Remus asked out of curiosity.

His father took a deep breath. "You were going to find out eventually, so it's best that you hear it from me. Greyback knew what he was doing when he bit you. I said some terrible things to him once, and that is how he paid me back. It's my fault you're a werewolf. And he didn't bite you alone. You see... I was also one of his victims."

Remus was shocked. "Do you mean to say that you're a werewolf, too?" Mr. Lupin nodded grimly.

"But... you never go outside when I do to transform," Remus reasoned. "Where do you go at the full moon, then?"

"Our cellar. I'd be mad to go outside with you because we could both be so harmful to one another." This made perfect sense to his son, but he was still angry.

"At least you didn't get bitten until after you went to Hogwarts," Remus mumbled. Then he went to his room without eating dinner.

A week later, another letter arrived. This time, it was from Hogwarts.

Dear Mr. Remus Lupin,

I was told about your situation, and I am rather upset that the Ministry has banned you from attending Hogwarts. I, personally, did not see why we couldn't accommodate you in the best way we can. So I contacted the Ministry to fix the matter. At this moment, we are creating a habitat in which you'll stay during every full moon night. Otherwise, you'll be treated like every other student and live in the dormitories. I look forward to meeting you on the first of September!


Albus Dumbledore

Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Remus gave out a loud whoop of joy. His parents cheered along with him. School would begin in just two weeks! There was so much to do. So much to pack! He realized how lucky he was, so he sent an owl to Dumbledore with a letter of appreciation. He didn't realize just how many obstacles were still to come.

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