Ew •2•

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He asked me a bunch of dumb questions and I just ignored him until he said bye.

When I got home I went up to my room and fell asleep.

When I woke up it was 5am and sighed and sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Fuck my life" i rolled out of bed and took a shower and put black skinny jeans on and a red sweatshirt, I went down stairs and my mom wasn't up yet so that was a relief.

I made myself some toast and I heard a knock at the door...I opened the door a little and saw the boy from yesterday. "Hey" he said with a smile. "Hello?" I gave him a weird face. "I realized that yesterday I didn't tell you my name...heh uh my name is Declan." He said and smiled. "Mm." I said looking at him "why are you here?" I said in a weird voice. "OH! I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out before school???" He said. I looked at him and tilted my head and slammed the door.

I jumped a bit and looked at the door. "Uh...ok" I stared walking away and he came back out with his book bag and some toast.

I smiled and looked at him..he low key looked cute as hell....NOT THAT IM GAY..no I'm bi.

We walked along the side walk and I honestly thought it was the cutest thing.

so uh at this point you can very much tell I have a crush on a boy that I met yesterday.

It was kinda awkward when we were walking but he seemed to enjoy it. He also had a hint of blush on his cheeks but I'm guessing its because it's getting chilly????
I ignored it and hummed.

After walking around the neighborhood we got to the woods and I looked at him and he smirked and continued walking and I followed close behind him...

I could tell I was blushing because of how close he was to me...idk how I got this crush.

When we were walking in the woods he grabbed my sleeve and I looked at him and smiled. "Are you scared?" I giggled a bit. I could see his face get red "w-what? No!" He blushed more and I smiled and looked away.

I put my hands on my cheeks and frowned. "Oh god..." I mumbled and looked around because I'm fucking scared shit less of the woods.

I grabbed Declan's wrist and squeezed it and kept looking around scared af. "H-hey dec can we go now???" He looked at me with a confused face. "Dec?" He sAid. "O-oh I didn't mean to call you that!!! Can we please just go????" He looked at me and sighed.."yeah." He started walking to the entrance of the woods I kept holding his wrist.

When we got out of the woods I was still holding his wrist and we started walking on the path to the school.

I smiled/blushed. "Hey" I said looking at him. "Yeah?" He said as if holding my wrist was an always. "You're still holding my wrist" I said and I could feel him jumping and he quickly let go. "S-sorry I forgot" he said and the blush on his face was all over. "Heh it's fine" I said and smirked.


When we got to school Declan went to his 1st period and I did to. I asked to go to the bathroom and ran into some of my fucking bully's....wonderful. They looked at me as I walked in and I tried to go in one of the stalls and one of the boys pulled me by the neck and pinned me against the wall. "What a fag. I saw that you have a little friend. I thought we said that no one liked you." One boy said "he's just gonna leave you like the other kids." Another boy said and I already knew that. He's gonna leave me. That's why I don't let myself have friends and feelings for someone...they throw a few punches I bleed. The usual. Then they leave.

I stayed in the bathroom till the end of the day. When I came out I walked out of the school and I saw Declan waiting on the bench. He saw me and quickly stood up. "I thought you went home! Omg you weren't in your 5th period so I thought you got in trouble!......." he said and looked at me. "What happened..." he said and touched my busted lip then my cheek that was red. "...stuff. Ok? Don't worry about it." I pushed past him and started walking home.

My eyes widened and I grabbed his wrist. "Hey if those boys did that to you...I'll kick their asses." I said. "No really it's fine. It happens a lot" he said with a weak smile..."and why do you care so much? Do you pity me?" He said and my eyes widened a bit. "What?! No! I don't pity you I'm just looking out for a friend!" I said and I kinda hurt myself by saying that. "Yeah ok.." he mumbled and started walking again and I walked beside him. "Hey do you wanna come over tonight?" I said. He looked at me and smiled "hell Yeah!!!" He smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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