The big date

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Lacey's pov

I'm actually really excited about this date tonight, but at the same time what if I do something wrong? I ask my friend Riley on my lunch break. "well you say you like both of them, so at least you can get to know them.

Well you are right and thanks for having lunch with me, but I should really get back to work! "Okay see ya later lace oh and don't let this date thing bother you all day the animals need ya!"

Once I get back to work, there isn't to many people at the most there's 4 so all I can think about is wes and this date.

4 hours later (6pm)

Ugh Riley I don't know what to wear, I yell to Riley right now I'm in a towel looking through every piece of clothing I own. "hmmm why don't you wear this sassy dress she says pointing to a black strapless dress that ends at mid thigh.

I really like it now shoo I need to finish getting ready. I match my dress with black pumps and gold hoop earrings I'm not really one for a lot of jewelry. once I finch getting dressed I curl my hair and put on some makeup.

By the time I'm ready I hear a knock on the door. YAY it's wes omg I'm so excited wait lace don't let him know that act cool I say scolding myself.

I open the door and there he is in black skinny jeans and a nice dress shirt and blazer, he looked so perfect I couldn't stop starring and by the look on his face he couldn't either.

Wesleys pov

"Wow Lacey you look amazing absolutely beautiful." Thanks wes you don't look to bad yourself. Well let's go have some fun! I lead her out to my black Nissan convertible and ran to her side to open the door, "my lady" I said hoping she wouldn't tell at me to stop flirting which she didn't so that's a good sign.

Once we get to the Olive Garden, her face lightens up and she says "wow wes this is my favourite restaurant how'ed you know? well actually it's my favourite restaurant too, ha score we have things in common.

When the waiter came I ordered a rum and coke to drink and I looked towards Lacey wondering what she would get and then Lacey spoke up and said I'll have a tequila sunrise please "coming right up the perky lady said". so you like tequila sunrises do you? ya it's like my favourite drink, well your in luck my band and I have a song called tequila sunrise.

"Could you play it for me sometime?" of course maybe in a few days I can round everybody up and you can meet drew! "that sounds amazing!" I'm glad your excited!"

When the waiter brought us our drinks she asked if we were ready to order which of course we were or at least I was. "so what can I get for you guys?" um I'll have the chicken Alfredo and my lady here would like, "ill have the spaghetti and meatballs but make sure there are no onions in it I'm allergic." of course coming right up!

So Lacey you now know everything about me tell me about yourself?

Lacey's pov

Well my names Lacey wood I'm originally from Texas, I'm a vet I just moved here to California 4 weeks ago now, and that's about it. "how old are you he asked so interested um I'm 20 what about you? " I'm also 20, what about your parents?"

When he asked me about my parents my heart dropped, they ugh hate me. "now why would they hate a beautiful women like you?" um well that's a good question that I don't know the answer too.

Wes leaned close into me and whispered in my ear "cause to be honest I don't think I could ever hate you!" with that he kissed me io the lips and I kissed back it was one of the best kisses I have ever had.

Wesleys pov

When she pulled away all I wanted to do was kiss her again, but instead I asked the waitress for the bill.

I asked her if she wanted dessert first and she told me that I would get it later, damnn that's such a turn on!

A/n I hope you guys like this chapter please vote and tell me what you think!! ❌⭕️❌⭕️✌️~ Lydia

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2014 ⏰

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