Her first priority was signing up for cheer try-outs and just as she was doing so, Bucky's voice came from the staircase behind her.

"Cheer try-outs today after school, everybody," he called, causing Bree to spin around in excitement, "Let's go, Mighty Shrimp!"

Bree clapped and ran over, "Go, bottom feeders!"

And just like that, Bucky and the Aceys were gone. She tried to backtrack but it didn't do her any good. Her face fell only for a moment until she realised someone was still there.

"Hi, I'm Bree. And I've always dreamed of being on the cheer squad," she couldn't help rambling, "'Cause I really wanna be a flyer... tossed high in the sky...!"

She was ecstatic when the girl's smile widened. Clearly, she had just met a fellow cheer lover.


The zombies descended the stairs, Bonzo not paying much heed to the problems they'd no doubt be facing for quite some time to come. He easily brushed off the patrol officer not wanting a hug, despite Zed and Eliza's concern. As they started down the steps, they were each handed a sheet of paper with their schedules by a rather uneasy-looking woman Bonzo guessed was a teacher or secretary or something. The schedules weren't much more than a short list of subjects and it looked like they would only get a short lunch break.

Their classroom, if you could even call it that, really did end up to be another dingy basement. As the visibly agitated teacher, Mr Zeck, introduced himself and the principal to the new students, Bonzo stood and looked around the room. He didn't really know what to make of it, just that it definitely wasn't... good.

Principal Lee made her way to the door but Bonzo and his friends didn't move. He decided to just forget the obvious problems for the time being, already excited at the idea of joining the humans' music class. As Zed and Eliza asked about the football team and computer club, Bonzo tried to calm himself enough to ask about it for himself but he could only manage to spit out one word of Zombie.


Zed jumped in to translate, "Right, music class! Bonzo's an artist, he's classically trained."

Feeling confident, Bonzo raised his tuba to his lips and blew, then belted out a high note. He only stopped when he felt Zed squeeze his shoulder. It took him a moment to realise Principal Lee was less than impressed, and what's more, that she wasn't going to let any of them out of the basement before the final bell rang. His smile slowly faded and he lowered his arms as she hurried out of the basement. Mr Zeck's lack of motivation didn't do much to lighten the mood but Bonzo and Eliza went to take a seat nonetheless.

"Well, I guess this is it, boys. We upgraded from a barren wasteland to zombie containment lite."

"Grag gezer zongro," It could be worse, Bonzo shrugged, "Za, Zed-" he turned to find Zed gone, "... Zedka?"

No sign of him. Bonzo quickly sat down beside Eliza.

"Geh, Elizaka. Gozrea Zedka?" Where's Zed?

"He-" Eliza stopped when she noticed Zed was missing, then squeezed her eyes shut and slumped her shoulders, "Oh, for the love of Z, he didn't... Please tell me he didn't..."

"... Gra'zon." I can't.

They looked at each other for a few seconds, but neither of them were about to risk going after him. He was bound to hit a wall sooner or later. He always did.

And then a siren was blaring.

The panic set in instantly. Zombies flew from their chairs, afraid and confused. As far as they knew, a siren like that meant fire. And the fear of fire was engrained so deeply into their subconscious, they couldn't listen to reason. Mr Zeck, being experienced enough in this from his years as the school janitor, tried to quiet them down but no-one was listening.

Another Girl, Another Zombie: Another WayWhere stories live. Discover now