Kun ᨀ Old Friend Returns

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Album/Single: Old Friend Returns (2011/2012)

1. Old Friend Returns (故人)

Released: 2011/2012



huí móu shí jiān cōng cōng guò liǎo hǎo jī nián
gū chéng yī jiù láng yān gǔn gǔn lián lián
dú zòu bǐ àn lún huí huā kāi huā luò
xún bù jiàn nǐ zēng jīng shū xiě dí lí bié

tà xuě fēi yáng sāi běi tiān láng
huāng mò gé bì dà mò cāng liáng
jūn lín tiān xià luàn shì gū xíng
yī yè lǐ duǒ guò liǎo jī cháng

nǐ shuō jiāng shān rú juàn mián mián cháng yán
wǒ xiào què zhī yào zài nǐ shēn páng
nǐ tàn shēng sǐ wú cháng
zhuǎn yǎn xuè rǎn huáng shā

pō mò shān shuǐ liú lí dí juàn
luò bǐ zhuó bǐ wǒ yóu yù bù jué
nǐ dí xiào yān líng luàn zài nǎo hǎi jiān
wǒ dú xiě qīng jìn tiān xià dí sī niàn

sān bǎi liù shí wǔ cháng fēn bié
bái zhòu hēi yè wǒ tíng zhǐ bù qián
nǐ dí lèi guāng ràng wǒ rú hé duàn jué
wǒ dú chàng qīng jìn yī shēng dí chī liàn

tà xuě fēi yáng sāi běi tiān láng
huāng mò gé bì dà mò cāng liáng
jūn lín tiān xià luàn shì gū xíng
yī yè lǐ duǒ guò liǎo jī cháng

nǐ shuō jiāng shān rú juàn mián mián cháng yán
wǒ xiào què zhī yào zài nǐ shēn páng
nǐ tàn shēng sǐ wú cháng
zhuǎn yǎn xuè rǎn huáng shā

pō mò shān shuǐ liú lí dí juàn
luò bǐ zhuó bǐ wǒ yóu yù bù jué
nǐ dí xiào yān líng luàn zài nǎo hǎi jiān
wǒ dú xiě qīng jìn tiān xià dí sī niàn

sān bǎi liù shí wǔ cháng fēn bié
bái zhòu hēi yè wǒ tíng zhǐ bù qián
nǐ dí lèi guāng ràng wǒ rú hé duàn jué
wǒ dú chàng qīng jìn yī shēng dí chī liàn

wǒ dú chàng qīng jìn yī shēng dí chī liàn


回眸 时间匆匆过了好几年
孤城 依旧狼烟滚滚连连
独奏 彼岸轮回花开花落
寻不见 你曾经书写的离别

踏雪 飞扬 塞北天狼
荒漠 隔壁 大漠苍凉
君临天下 乱世孤行

你说 江山如卷绵绵长延
我笑 却只要在你身旁
你叹 生死无常
转眼 血染黄沙

你的笑嫣 凌乱在脑海间
我独写 倾尽天下的思念


踏雪 飞扬 塞北天狼
荒漠 隔壁 大漠苍凉
君临天下 乱世孤行

你说 江山如卷绵绵长延
我笑 却只要在你身旁
你叹 生死无常
转眼 血染黄沙

你的笑嫣 凌乱在脑海间
我独写 倾尽天下的思念




Looking back on the countless years that rushed by
A ghost town still relentlessly sending smoke signals
All alone, watching the other shore blossom and wither in an endless cycle
Yet I still cannot find any trace of your departure that you once wrote of

Over snow, soaring through the skies, towards the Northern frontier
Past the Gobi desert, desolate and devoid of you
Abandoned by the heavens above, an orphan in these troubling times
Every night, I fight through countless battles

You say that the earth can survive long periods without rain
I laugh and say I only want to stay by your side
You sigh and ponder the uncertainty of life, the inevitability of death
In a blink of an eye, blood stains the yellow sand

Mountainous landscapes reminiscent of ink paintings
I hesitate to put my pen to paper
The memory of your smile still lingering in my mind
I can only write, writing down every single nostalgia in the world

Three hundred sixty five individual battles
Days and nights pass but I do not stop
How can I stop with your glistening tears?
I can only sing, overflowing with enough love to exhaust a lifetime of passion

Over snow, soaring through the skies, towards the Northern frontier
Past the Gobi desert, desolate and devoid of you
Abandoned by the heavens above, an orphan in these troubling times
Every night, I fight through countless battles

You say that the earth can survive long periods without rain
I laugh and say I only want to stay by your side
You sigh and ponder the uncertainty of life, the inevitability of death
In a blink of an eye, blood stains the yellow sand

Mountainous landscapes reminiscent of ink paintings
I hesitate to put my pen to paper
The memory of your smile still lingering in my mind
I can only write, writing down every single nostalgia in the world

Three hundred sixty five individual battles
Days and nights pass but I do not stop
How can I stop with your glistening tears?
I can only sing, overflowing with enough love to exhaust a lifetime of passion

I can only sing, overflowing with enough love to exhaust a lifetime of passion


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