Chapter 2: Mixed Emotions

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Author's note: Sorry for the very very very late update. Couldn't get hold of the laptop for so long. So here's the second chapter. Hope you like it. Comments and votes would be highly appreciated. xx



I don't know if I should be happy because it's my birthday, but that dream I just had was really weird. It was like a flashback... He was my best friend since I can remember. He lives across our house in Los Angeles, California. I often sent letters to him before, but our communication stopped after 3 years. It's quite saddening, actually. When we were young, he had this bright blue eyes with his floppy brown hair and a winning smile. But now? I don't even know what he looks like, what's he been up to, or even if he has a girlfriend now. I feel totally ashamed. I feel like I'm a rude best friend or something. Darren Adams is one year and 4 days older than me.. So by now, he's 17 and I haven't greeted him for 4 consecutive years! I don't even remember putting anything about him in my 16 wishes list. But I've been writing this wishes since I was 10.. And I left L.A. when I was 11. So I checked my list, to review everything my imagination told me to wish for. *Dearest Reader, this will be the first time I'd be putting my 16 wishes list here so SHUSH okay? Macy would surely be the last person I want to know about this list.*


☐ 1. To have my own license, along with my Jaguar XKR 2012 Edition. (this is really impossible, 'ya know.)

☐ 2. Renovation of my own room.

☐ 3. I'll be a perfect stereotype of a daughter, teenager and sister.

☐ 4. Probably get a series of A+ in my report cards until I graduate.

☐ 5. A Cavalier Spaniel!

☐ 6. I'll have a walk-in-closet. (Mom and Gab has, why can't I have my own?)

☐ 7. My 7:30 curfew will be no more and I can go wherever I want to go, with ANYONE.

✔ 8. My own Credit Card!

☐ 9. Brandon Collins will ask my phone number and we'll have the best relationship ever! 

☐ 10. Macy Collins will stop acting like an ultimate biatch.

☐ 11. A trip to another country alone with Gabrielle.

☐ 12. To publish my own story.

✔ 13. To be a cheerleader in school.

☐ 14. Have a perfect party! 

☐ 15. A simple greeting from Logan Lerman or Tom Daley or any other hottie in Twitter would make my day! (Huhu, please)

☐ 16. To visit my bestfriend back in L.A.

The arrangement of my sixteen wishes is very simple. The one on top is the latest one, and I had put that just last week. Then the one on the very bottom is the very first wish I hoped would be granted. Great! Just great. London is 5456 miles away from Los Angeles. How can I go there? As if mom and dad can magically hand me a ticket to go there even just for a day. I mean, I have a curfew! They don't let me out after 7:30. That's just plain cruelty for a 11th Grader. If you're actually thinking why don't I just send him a letter again, I have my own reasons. Here's the deal, I've heard they already moved but they're still in the same village. I just don't know his exact permanent address. Secondly, I'm ashamed... Ashamed to even say hi. 

Time: 9:28. Hokaaaay. It's almost an hour since I woke up. I noticed that there was a letter beside my laptop. I didn't think much about who's it from.. Who else has access to my bedroom while I'm asleep? MOM AND DAD. Hihi. I had taken a picture of it so just read it there. (right side) 

After I read the letter, something bothered me. Why does mom want me to open my email? AND SHE RUMMAGED THROUGH MY ACCOUNT for goodness sake. One thing my parent's don't let me have. Privacy and Freedom. Oh, make that two. Anyways, I opened my email and guess whose name flashed through the screen? Brandon Collins. The, Brandon Collins emailed me! Before I die from shock, here's the email:

"Hi Kiarrah! I just wanted to greet you Merry Christmas. Nah, just kidding. Happy Sweet 16! I heard that today was your birthday so I thought I should send you an email because I don't have your number. Speaking of number.. I hope you don't think this is too straightforward and not usual for an English guy but can I have your number? Thanks! God Bless and Enjoy your day. -B. " 

EHHMAGERD. My ultimate crush just asked for my number! I read the email 7 times before I wrote an email to send as a reply. He's just so dreamy. Basketball and Football player, perfect teeth and skin, wide jawline, awesome sense of humor, good with kids, has a goal in his life and he's not a bully. TAKE NOTE OF THAT. I just adore him. Gah. I guess Macy wasn't bothering him about not talking to me. So, I send an email including my number.

"Oh hey Brandon. Didn't think you'd notice me. The last time you talked to me was at the championship games. Thank you for greeting me though. No, I don't find it straightforward and Yes, you may have my number. *********** That's it. God Bless too and thanks again. :)"

I wanted to invite him to my party but I don't have the nerves and I guess it's a little too late. I also don't have an escort because I don't want to. I'm not the kind of cheerleader who sways their hips and butts just so a guy would go to them and ask them to a date. Err, I just find that annoying! Sorry. Going back, it's already 10:15 so I guess I should be waking Gabby up. Honestly, I don't know what to feel right now. On the morning of my 16th birthday, I had a flashback through a dream. Then the man of my dreams just ticked the box of my 9th wish. Happiness is taking over so I must take advantage of it. *glubglubglub* Stomache's throbbing so I guess I must be eating breakfast by now. *laughs*

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