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Snape's POV

*11 years later*

"Yes sir." I nodded to Headmaster Dumbledore before I turned and headed towards my office. There I could finally do what I've been waiting for.

I hadn't visited the graveyard in around 6 years. And I felt tremendously guilty about it.

I locked my office door as soon as I stepped foot inside. Then I took out my wand, to take me to the muggle world.

In an instant I was there. Standing in front of the graveyard I so vaguely remembered. It was dark out, and there was snow gently drifting down from the sky onto the grass surrounding the gravestones.

I stepped inside and made my way over to where I knew their grave was. On the way there I saw another woman was here as well. She had long, ginger hair that curled at the end. She turned around and we made eye contact. I felt my stomach drop. She looked exactly, like, Lily. But when I blinked, she was gone. I assumed it was just my eyes playing tricks on me and continued towards my destination.

When I reached the grave, I bent down and sat on my knees.

"Rest well, Lily Evans." I called her by her maiden name.

"James." I recognized as well. I didn't want to be disrespectful.

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up like someone was staring at me. I was kind of annoyed that they were interrupting my first time back with Lily after several years but I turned to see anyway. It was that girl again, that I had seen earlier. I shifted so I could fully see her and couldn't help but think of how much she resembled my deceased swain. I closed my eyes and shook my head a bit to see if I was just seeing things again, and sure enough when I opened my eyes she was gone. I drew my wand, just to test something...

"Homenum Revilio." I said aloud and flicked my wand. I don't know what I was thinking. There was no one there.

I shook my head and stood up to say my goodbyes to Lily...and James, Potter. Before I left I used my wand to conjure up a bouquet a flowers to leave there, for her mainly.

*three months later*

I had been visiting the graveyard every other week or so, and I had been seeing the same girl every time. My curiosity grows every time I think I see her, across the yard or a couple of feet from me. So today I had planned to try speaking to her, or it. I don't fully understand yet. But it's worth a try.

I made it to my office after my second lesson and sent myself to the same place. I speed walked over towards the entrance and sure enough she was there, sitting on the steps next to Lily and James' grave.

I forced myself not to blink as I walked over. And as I got closer she began to move away.

"No, I'm.....I just want to talk?" I reached out and she paused. I blinked and to my delight she was still there. As I got closer she backed away, but didn't disappear. Her face from what I could see had a worried expression written on it.

"I don't mean any harm..." I tried to sound gentle.

"I know." She said back. My eyes widened and I felt a small smile come across my lips.

"M-may I ask your name?" I sat on the bench across from her.

"I....I cant." She looked down. She had always had a sweater on with a scarf covering everything but her eyes.

"You look like someone I used to know..." I said looking at the grave next to me.

"But I'm dead." She said casually. I flinched back at the harsh comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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