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September 13

You were now in art class, sitting on your desk humming happily your favorite song to yourself. Why were you so happy?

Well first of all, because Pj wasn't with you in class! At first you thought he was just skipping class or whatever. But you heard his gang talking about it and said that he was sick.

Yeah, it may be really sadistic to smile to yourself about someone's suffering. Yet it doesn't stand a chance to what he and his gang did to you, so you didn't mind.

Besides that you were also pretty excited waiting to the end of the school so you can run to B.D.S. like the basketball maniac you are. The only thing that was coming in mind right now was basketball not to mention... you were drawing right now a basket ball.

"(Y/N), although I adore your drawing... you were supposed to draw a building!" Mr. Ink said beside you. "R-Right... I'm sorry Mr. Ink I got cared away..." you said with a nervous smile. Mr. Ink smiles back at you and was about to go back to his desk but "e-em.. Mr. Ink?" you ask and he turns around to face you. "I didn't have the chance to say it property but... thank you for helping me out back there..." you said remembering all the fights with that shorts-toast dude and shitty head.

He gives you a warm smile "its nothing! I'm the one who is supposed to say sorry about my sons behavior..." "-!" you started coughing on pure air as you heard your teacher. "SON?!?!?! PJ'S?!!?" you asked completely socked making everyone to look at you, though, you didn't care.

Mr. Ink rubs the back of his neck with a nervous smile. "y-yeah... I know sounds crazy... the kid of two teachers is the worst jock..." TWO?! "w-whose the other one?" you ask blushing slightly. Mr. Ink blushing madly and looks away with a idiotic smile on his face "The... Gym teacher..." he said only to blush more as you look at him socked! COACH?! NO WAY!

You rub your forehead anxious. This whole time?! That information was to much for your head to take in! you started getting dizzy thinking about it and just decided to shook it off. while doing so, your teacher lets out a chuckle seeing you sigh exhausted of thinking. You gave him a slight glare but soon you both looked at the door witch suddenly got slammed open!

Who would come to class like 5 minutes before the bell rings? You thought looking at the door curious, and as you did so, your eyes widen in sock along with your teacher who said surprised

"PJ?!" Pj came in coughing, looking at the floor. He was a total mess and he looked so pale too! "Why are you here sweetie?! We told you to stay in bed!" Mr. ink said making a chuckle escape your mouth 'sweetie?' you asked your self trying to hold back your laugh.

Pj notices you and glares at you completely ignoring his father. He sat besides you as Mr. Ink let out a angry sigh "we are going to have a serious talk after class" he said and walked to his desk. You, still smiling a bit said "why did you came to school, sweetie?" you said smirking as he glares at you but soon smirked "heh, *cough* just to annoy you, nerd" and it seems like its working... he really was getting on your nerves!

You were about to answer but as you open your mouth you got cut off from the bell. You both get up while glaring at each other from the corner of your eyes... you walk to the door and open it as you whisper "have a nice day fucker" but enough loud so he could hear it. He got so angry he punched the desk, cracking it, yet all the girls in class were glaring at you. How dare you talk like that to the one and only Pj? they question themselves as you walked away felling the whole classes glare on you.

You walk up to your locker and open it putting your stuff in. "Sup (Y/N)" you turn around to see your best friend, Blue. "where you've been? You cant believe what shit I've gone through!" you said and punched his arm playfully. "it would be too weird for you to have a normal day anyways." He said smirking down at you as you let out a angry sigh "so how's school going freshman?" "don't call me that... anyways I've met some people..." "who have you met? I know almost everyone so I can tell you about them." "well, I met that dude in the library... I thing his name was Palette?" "oh, that dude? Yeah don't go near him, not when you are in the library at list." He said and you gave him a question look "the librarian is going to kill you if he sees you flirting with him" he said calmly. Is that why he was glaring at you later? "im not up on flirting with him. Not up on getting in a relationship at all actually..." you said and shrug.

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