Fundamentals Part II

Start from the beginning

d. Bargaining, denial, anger, depression, acceptance

9. A terminally ill patient usually experiences all of the following feelings during the anger stage except:

a. Rage

b. Envy

c. Numbness

d. Resentment

10. Nurses and other health care provides often have difficulty helping a terminally ill patient through the necessary stages leading to acceptance of death. Which of the following strategies is most helpful to the nurse in achieving this goal?

a. Taking psychology courses related to gerontology

b. Reading books and other literature on the subject of thanatology

c. Reflecting on the significance of death

d. Reviewing varying cultural beliefs and practices related to death

11. Which of the following symptoms is the best indicator of imminent death?

a. A weak, slow pulse

b. Increased muscle tone

c. Fixed, dilated pupils

d. Slow, shallow respirations

12. A nurse caring for a patient with an infectious disease who requires isolation should refers to guidelines published by the:

a. National League for Nursing (NLN)

b. Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

c. American Medical Association (AMA)

d. American Nurses Association (ANA)

13. To institute appropriate isolation precautions, the nurse must first know the:

a. Organism’s mode of transmission

b. Organism’s Gram-staining characteristics

c. Organism’s susceptibility to antibiotics

d. Patient’s susceptibility to the organism

14. Which is the correct procedure for collecting a sputum specimen for culture and sensitivity testing?

a. Have the patient place the specimen in a container and enclose the container in a plastic bag

b. Have the patient expectorate the sputum while the nurse holds the container

c. Have the patient expectorate the sputum into a sterile container

d. Offer the patient an antiseptic mouthwash just before he expectorate the sputum

15. An autoclave is used to sterilize hospital supplies because:

a. More articles can be sterilized at a time

b. Steam causes less damage to the materials

c. A lower temperature can be obtained

d. Pressurized steam penetrates the supplies better

16. The best way to decrease the risk of transferring pathogens to a patient when removing contaminated gloves is to:

a. Wash the gloves before removing them

b. Gently pull on the fingers of the gloves when removing them

c. Gently pull just below the cuff and invert the gloves when removing them

d. Remove the gloves and then turn them inside out

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