They assumed he was just a runaway.

She was the closest to him. He'd been a dear friend, the first to take her in.

She'd shown him her wings. He was the only person she'd ever shown them to willingly.

He was accepting, even calling them beautiful.

They'd been as white as an angel's during that time.

He told her how happy he was that she told him the truth and they were inseparable.

But, then posters started to appear around town and her face was broadcasted as a missing person.

A reward was mentioned.

The other three promised to not give her up. They said that she had to have run away for a reason and wouldn't take her back unless she wanted to go.

But he disagreed.

She naively followed him into town around three days after the posters had started going up.

He told her that they were going to the bookstore within town so that he could teach her how to read.

But, waiting in the bookstore were cops.

He'd set her up and turned her in.

She'd screamed and tried to run, but he stopped her. She'd called him a traitor, her heartbroken that he'd do this to her.

He'd gotten upset as well, not wanting to be labeled as one. He'd told her that he had his reasons as to why he'd given her up but she didn't listen.

Growing frustrated, in a rage, he'd stared her dead in the eyes for a moment and harshly told her, "Let the darkness I put in your heart grow."

She'd gotten confused and stopped struggling for only a second. It was a second too long and the police took her away.

Her last view of him was the angry glare he had on his face as he stood in the doorway of the bookstore, a black vein appearing on his lower cheek.

It'd been 6 hours since she'd been caught and taken back to where she'd come from.

She lived in a tiny room of what claimed to be an orphanage but was nothing of the sort.

Children came into this place, but children never left it.

As soon as you were caught in the web, you never left.

She could recall that there was one teenage boy with a Glasgow smile in a room down the hall that had been here longer than she'd been alive.

She'd only gotten to talk to him a few times when the people who ran the building would force two of the children into the same room to "Socialize".

He wasn't a bad guy really, just touched.

She could tell, even at her age, that being stuck here was driving him even father up the wall that he'd been.

All the children here weren't natural. They all had strange abilities, mental states, or physical appearances that made them monsters in the eyes of those who chose to trap them in here.

It was like an asylum for the rejects.

The boy was paler than the moon with an unnerving Glasgow smile that he'd inflicted on himself.

She had been born with wings on her back.

One other girl that was younger than her had physically killed someone after a traumatic experience with an older man.

Veined Soul (Darkiplier X Winged! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now