The Begining

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(H/N) means horse name

Virginia, 1868  *your pov*

Bullets were whizzing passed my head as meand my gang called The Rider were running from a posse of law enforcement that included regular men all the way to U.S. Marshals luckily the all they were doing was missing I then rode passed my friend and second in command of the gang Jake yelling "HEY JAKE, YOU THINK THEIR MISSING BECAUSE THEY ARENT USED TO SHOOTING AND RIDING A HORSE AT THE SAME TIME OR THAT THEY'RE JUST THAT BAD AT SHOOTING" Jake laughed at my comment. The gang had planed to go to the town that I forgot the name (totally not just lazy a lazy author) of near the hideout to leave the country, because I may be cocky but even I know when it's time to get the fuck out of dodge and quite while I'm ahead. After a few moments of us avoiding Bullets we saw the town I spurred (H/N) hard but not enough to hurt him just enough to make him go faster. I got in front of my gang saw that a large frieght/cruise ship (not sure that's a thing)I then turned around in my saddle and yelled to everyone " WE HAVE TO GET ON THAT BOAT SO FOLLOW MY LEAD" at the speed we were going we were at the port in no time and the boat was leaving so I made (H/N) jump on to the boat and so did the rest of the gang with their horses I looked back at the dock and saw a very pissed off posse, then I saw one of the posse members in the front grab his rifle and aim at us, but before he could fire at us the leader of the posse grabbed the gun and pointed it down at the ground. The guy aiming the rifle at us looked at the leader like he was crazy, then the leader turned to me and nodded his head and I nodded back. If it were any other person I would have flipped them the bird but not him and as much as I hate law enforcement I respected a few of Them him being one.I turned to my gang who were all yelling and celebrating that we got away and said "Well as much as I would like to celebrate boys we should hide the horses and find out where this boat is going because I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to end up somewhere we're I'll freeze my ass of " and with that said we hid our horses in with the cargo we found empty cabins to stay In for the trip and we asked around and found out that the boat was heading to London after that every one was in their cabin sleeping

*time skip London Eve's pov*

Me and Henry were in the train discussing with eachother where the shroud might be but came up with nothing, then Jacob burst through in the train car me and Henry looking at him "Are you two getting any closer to figuring out were this piece of Eden is" me and Henry look at eachother and then back at him and say "No Jacob we aren't we need more leads to help us" he just sighs and goes off to his train car and Henry and me return to what we were doing before.

*Still London your pov*

I could smell all the smoke and hear the screams of pain and suffering and muskets being fired and I couldn't do anything for the first time in my life I froze. I couldn't move an inch no matter how hard I tried then a bullet whizzed passed my head and I could move again, but then I heard a battle cry I turned and saw a union soldier about to shove his bayonet in me but as soon as he did I woke up in a cold sweat and I felt the wound on my stomach from that battle then I said " I fucking hated Antietam" I look out my window and saw it was morning so I got all my clothes on and went up to the top deck of the ship I was leaning on the rail on the side of the ship I was looking at the shit hole city me and the riders would call home for the rest of our days or until the police ran us out of town. I decided to head back to the cabin I was staying in on the ship when suddenly I heard someone say behind me
??? "Stay right where you are (L/N) this is the end of the line for you"
I quickly draw my revolver and aim at the person, then I see who it is and give an annoyed look at the person "Ya'know one of these days I'm gonna blow your brains out if you keep doing that Jake" he scoffed making and offended face, he stopped making the face " yeah I know but the look on you face when I do it is priceless" I just laugh at his replies "So did wveryone make it on the boat" I asked "Surprisingly everyone did make it all 60 of us " you smirked "Well I guess Johnny law hasn't successfully taken down The Riders yet" I say jokingly "See you at the port Jake, oh and Jake make sure everyone is awake when the boat docks" I asked "Yeah sure boss" I walked away to my cabin an got all my gear such as my rifle, my cigarettes, my ammo, my matches, my saber, and my knife. With that all done I heard the boat dock so I went and get my horse and noticed all the guys were awake already "So guys howd you sleep" all of them said they slept fine I smiled and knew some had to be lying but ignored it and put my rifle in its saddle holster and tied my saber to my saddle the same way I would have back in the war and we all brought our horses off the ship.

The assassin and her outlaw [Evie Frye x male reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora