Jacob, alliances and so much more

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There was a knock at the door

"Hey can I come in?"

It was Jacob

"Yeah come in."

Rickey says

He walks in with a little girl and a younger boy. I noticed the girl was pink and the boy was a light yellow. The little girl ran up and hugged me.

"I hope you win."

"Um, Jacob who is this?"

"Thats my daughter Jace and this is my son Dakarai. We just call him Day. He's a bit shy."

The little girl was hugging me tightly around the waist. I pick her up and she looks into my eyes.

"You are so pretty."

"Thanks, you are too."

She giggles and hugs me again.

Jacob picks up the little boy and walks over to us.

"Say hi Day, this is Riley."

He gives me a shy wave.

"I'm six and he's four."

Jace says. I smile, they reminded of the girls back in four. Bright, crazy reminders of them.

"so Jace, why are you two here?"

"Mommy went away this week so we get to go to work with daddy."

Jacob puts day down and takes Jace out of my arms.

"Come on, its time for your naps."

"But I'm not tired daddy!"

They both complain.

"I am"

Jacob says

"Oh, can you come back after?"

I ask


Jacob takes his kids off to his room and I talk with Rickey for a while.

"So what are you going to do while I'm training?"

"I want to help you, I am allowed to be in training with you."

"so what are you going to learn during training?"

"I want to try using the axe, even if I can't hunt with it I can still get firewood."

I nod

Jacob comes back in

"So what do you want me for?"

"have you seen Katlynn?"

"No, she went to her room. She seemed pretty upset."

"We were talking about her games, it made her upset."

"Well, it makes sense, but i'm sure she'll be fine. She's been through a lot."

"So where is her room?"

"I don't think that your allowed to visit her, but she'll come out for supper."

"So she'll be alright?"

"Yes, I was her designer too, Jace was just four that year. That was also the year their mother decided to dye them. That's why I can't stand people dying their skin. I've always taught them to be glad of who they are, not change into something that they aren't."

"so you knew her brother?"

"yes, he was a very nice boy. He'd do anything to protect his sister, he beat up some of the other tributes for calling her names."

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