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Oof here have some headcannons
1. During house arrest, Bakugou had to clean Midoriya's room, and Midoriya expected it to be nuked, but when he walked in, everything was 2000× cleaner, and there was a post it on his desk that read "take more care of your expensive shit, nerd. They were dirty."
2. Midoriya kept that post it and now cleans his room.
3. A kid from Ketsubutsu was about to question why Midoriya was muttering alone in a corner and crying in front of his liscence, and all what Todoroki and Iida said was "Long story. Dont question."
4. Little did Bakugou know Midoriya pulled most of the pranks set on him instead of Kaminari.
5. Aoyama ADORES playing with Midoriya's hair on their days off.
6. Ashidou had to excuse herself many times from accidentally calling Midoriya "Kirishima" cause of how stiff Midoriya was when learning how to dance.
7. Kouta is working on a Midoriya cosplay.
8. So is Eri, but shes also working on a Toogata one while helping Kouta.
9. Pixie-Bob quietly crushes on a member of the WWPC but doesnt say who.
10. All Might doesnt want to call Bakugou and Midoriya his sons cause of two reasons, their mothers are scary last time he let it slip (Inko was really flustered) and he hardcore ships his two sons.
11. At some point, a reporter asked Aizawa "If you were to destroy a whole villain HQ with permission for extreme damage, who would you send in your class?" And without hesitation he blantly said "Midoriya and Bakugou"
12. Toga tried disguising as Midoriya, but slipped up amd calles Bakugou by his last name, and this last one sent her flying to kingdom come.
13. Todoroki felt sad and Midoriya bought 3 tubs of strawberry vanilla ice cream.
14. Uraraka had fun terrifying Midoriya after he watched "It" (Bakugou dared him to) by yelling "You'll float too!" And floated him. He stayed paralized on the ceiling for the whole day.
15. In house arrest, when Bakugou and Midoriya were done their cleaning early, they went in Jirou's room and Bakugou played the drums while Midoriya played the violin.
16. Midoriya wasnt surprised about Bakugou's musical skills cause Midoriya took the same classes as him.
17. Uraraka tried jumping around like a frog but ended up floating herself out the window. Serou to the rescue!
18. The Bakusquad started to consider Midoriya as part of them cause of how close Bakugou and him were getting. Midoriya enjoys that.
19. Todoroki and Uraraka are closer than they seem cause of how Midoriya tried shipping them.
20. Bakugou is extremely sweet to Eri, and enjoys Kouta's company cause of how they team up and burn Midoriya.
21. Midoriya asked Mandalay if adoption was possible at the age of 16, and when she asked why, he walked away muttering "n-no reason."
22. Nejire, Uraraka and Tsuyu like to go shopping together, and sometimes the other girls tag along.
23. Class 2-B's dorms are relatively close, so Kirishima can see Tetsutetsu from his window. They had caused many students to be tired.
24. Monoma tried copying Midoriya's quirk. Didn't go well.
25. Bakugou was pissed about Aoyama talking french and didnt understand a thing, so he learnt french just to roast Aoyama's poor ass.
26. Uraraka and Midoriya were often mistaken as childhood friends before, and Midoriya and Bakugou as adopted siblings. Then Uraraka would just yell "STEP-INCEST" while pointing the two and run off.
27. Midoriya A D O R E S BTS, and so does Bakugou but he doesnt admit it.
28. Bakugou dares Midoriya and vice versa.
29. Class 2-B and Class 2-A have daily "friendly" fights 2 by 2, and some point Monoma amd Kendou thought if they fought the two who cant stand each other theyd win. The whole class 2-A went up to them, said sorry, and started making graves for the two as Bakugou and Midoriya walked in the ring, already holding laughter in. "Theyre so dead."
30. Aizawa accidentally called Midoriya "Deku" when angry, thanks to Bakugou, so he now goes by nicknames when hes angry. He goes by "Todo, Yaomomo, Pinky, Kami, Kiri" and it was hilarious until he hit "Kacchan". The class lost their shit and Midoriya was crying on Bakugou's shoulder, barely able to breathe.
31. Bakugou got mad cause he wasnt mad anymore and then got mad again when Midoriya started laughing at him.
32. Midoriya woke up much earlier than everyone else on weekends, so he tries making breakfast. At some point, Bakugou was so tired of eating toast and dared Midoriya to do something spicey instead. He decided to cook French Toast with jalapeño. (Its truly delicious i tried and holy fuck its heaven) Bakugou promised himself when they'll marry, Midoriya would cook these everyday. He only told Uraraka and Kirishima about that last part though.
33. Todoroki, Iida and Midoriya were walking, and Midoriya saw a trash can on fire. He poked Todoroki and said, "Look! Its the your dad in his new costume!" Iida and Todoroki laughed in each others arms for a good 30 minutes.
34. Midoriya and Bakugou roast each other continuously, and it gets pretty deep and personal until one breaks down and gets comforted by the other with crappy horror movies and alot of junk food. (Usually Midoriya looses and Bakugou enjoys making up for it.)
35. Only Iida, Ojirou and Shouji can buy food now, cause:
Aoyama buys too much cheese and baguettes.
Uraraka buys endless ammounts of ramen and cheap food.
Todoroki buys only cold food.
Bakugou buys all the spicy shit.
Kaminari, Serou, Jirou and Ashidou buy only junk food.
Satou only buys sugary things.
Midoriya goes off the top of the budget by buying everyones favourites.
Kouda cant buy anything; too shy.
Tokoyami cant cause Dark Shadow sneaks too much food around.
Hagakure doesnt even buy food; she tries sneaking it from other people's houses.
Tsuyu doesnt buy meat of any sort.
Kirishima only buys meat, and industrial ammounts.
Yaoyorozu doesnt realize shes off the others budget, and buys the most expensive things.
Mineta... buys innapropriate stuff... and magazines. Just.. no.
36. Class 2-A "camp" in the common rooms often.
37. At Aizawa-sensei's birthday, all of the class (Kirishima convinced Bakugou to join) bought sleeping bags, snuck into his room, and fell asleep around him.
38. Fathers day was chaos. Midoriya tried making cakes for Aizawa, All Might, Present-mic, Cementoss, Ectoplasm, Vlad King, and many other teachers at UA, along with Bakugou, which ended up being an icing fight. Present mic found this hilarious, and him and All Might joined in.
39. When Kaminari got his liscence, he drove around with the Clan Panneton phone number to see how many people would either laugh and sing the song or get annoyed and throw stuff at him.
40. Yaoyorozu wanted to host another study date, so she asked for Midoriya's notes. He gave them to her, but also followed her to the study date. She wondered why, but once there and notes opened, Midoriya stood up besides her, placing a hand on her shoulder as she glared at the "notes" in confusion. "Ill take it from here." He said, and she fully agreed. It was so messy and all over the place.
41. Midoriya drew Bakugou's costume when younger, and Bakugou liked it. Midoriya forgot about that, but Bakugou quietly cherished that memory and never admitted it to anyone.
42. Once, the class decided to play "Heroes vs. Villains" and Midoriya was put into the villain role. Everyone expected him to be terrible, but he was the most accurate, scary, strong villain. Everyone then thanked him to be a hero.
43. After Todoroki accientally called All Might "dad", All Might's mind was done. He was adopting both Midoriya and Todoroki. Both were okay, and their moms were confused af.
44. Todoroki considers Midoriya like his missing sibling. Natsuo, Fuyumi and Rei were fine with that once they read the letter.
46. Iida and Todoroki act like Midoriya's missing father.
47. Bakugou never admitted it, but he enjoyed Jirous company once in a while.
48. Jirou likes Tokoyami's style, and they often hang out just to talk about music or how outroverted everyone is.
49. Whenever theres a group picture, everyone has a set group in every picture. but Midoriya and Bakugou. Either theyre with their friends, or fighting eachother in the background, to the photographer's surprise.
50. When the school year was done, everyone (but Iida) threw their books on a flaming and flustered Todoroki, before baking marshmellows.
51. During award ceremonies, when someone is called to the front, Midoriya starts clapping overly loud. Bakugou sees this as a challenge and starts clapping louder. Soon, quirks get involved and everyone's attention was turned to them having an epic faceoff of the loudest clapping.
52. Kaminari invited Jirou to a disco. Jirou fake panicked, and Kaminari asked whats wrong. "Im PanicKInG!" "Why would you Panic at the Disco!?"
53. Kouda's rabbit is often kidnapped. O o f
54. "Oof" was researched up on the internet, and the definition was "Sexual intercourse" in another language. No one said it until Midoriya looked at Bakugou and said "Oof...me." Everyone had forgotten the definition apart from Todoroki who went batshit crazy and laughed so hard.
55. Who says Power outage says everyone huddle around Kaminari and plug in the rooter!
56. Never leave Kaminari with a knife, a microwave, toaster and fridge. He court-circuited all at once.
57. Midoriya+Bakugou+argument=everyone to the nuclear shelter or =film cause they might end up 0.1 mm away from each others face (Uraraka then takes the honours of pushing one)
58. If Todoroki asks a question, everyone answers by "Okie Dokie Todoroki", thanks to Midoriya, or "Fuck no, Todo" thanks to Bakugou.
59. Toogata and Midoriya often consider themselves like true parents.
60. Some random kid threatened Eri when she bumped into him, but apologized profusely after spotting Asui, Uraraka, Kirishima, Aizawa, Midoriya and Toogata basically killing him with looks (Uraraka was terrifying while Kirishima looked like an angry cinnamon roll- and we wont talk about Midoriya.)
61. Random perv d a r e d to touch Midoriya Bakugou Jr. (Kouta) in
T H A T way. 3rd degree burns caused by explosions and severely broken bones.
62. Jirou once in a whilw played music for Eri, since she enjoyed Jirou's music. She would try to sing along but fail and look all cuTE AND INNOCENT MMM LOVE THIS DEAR CHILD PROTECC HER AT ALL COSTS
63. PEOPLE take turns to wash the dishes. Shouji is usually the one replacing people (with a fee) if they didn't feel like it, and Kirishima and Kaminari weren't included on the list. Too dangerous.
64. Bakugou calls Midoriya A housewife ever since house arrest, and Midoriya absolutely hates it. So he went on calling Bakugou some grounded teen with anger issues before realizing that's what he was.
65. At Todoroki's birthday, instead of singing "Happy Birthday", they sung
*sharp inhale*
"I hate this class."
66. Everyone sticks real close to Midoriya and he is nice, kind, and quirky almost all the time, until Bakugou enters the room. Everyone steers clear from both if they are in any proximity of each other. For some reason, if someone was too close to either Midoriya or Bakugou, the other would act up and be bitchy to the one being approached. Soon people assumed it was by "hey you don't deserve friends" but they soon realized it was by jelousy.

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