we all sat in the back room for an hour just talking about the concert, drinking, and smoking. it had been a wild time and we were all feeling amazing and full of energy. the bottle of daniels was thinning out dangerously fast, i knew the boys had a stash of it somewhere but i just didn't know where.

we all got bored of the back room so we decided to go to the hotel, although the apartment was pretty close the boys insisted on having a hotel room for the night to celebrate the success of their concert. steven and i were the first to leave to the hotel, the other boys had to stay and gather their instruments and sam didn't want to leave duffs side. i got the room key from axl, steven and i made it to the hotel quite quickly, we were waiting in the hotel room for what seemed like an hour, i was growing quite impatient as i just wanted to get the afterparty started. i myself was on the comedown from alcohol which in return made me tired. i flopped down onto one of the two queen sized beds and laid there for a moment, i wasn't quite sure who's it was and i didn't care in all honesty. i laid there for a moment before we heard laughing on the other side of the door. my head shot up from the pillow it was buried in and my eyes saw the shirtless bodies filed into the room.

slash's deep brown eyes peering into my deep blue ones, i sat up and cocked my head to the side, "what's your damage?" i questioned as he just bit his lips, his eyes scanning along my body.

"you're in my bed, but it's not like that's a first." the last few words a whisper, my eyes widened and i laughed softly, shaking my head.

slash walked over to counter where he opened the bottle of jack daniels and began drinking from it, i had a cup of ice beside me and held it out to him, signaling that i want some daniels. slash just rolled his eyes at me and poured a little in my cup, although i wanted more i took what i could get. i began drinking the straight daniels and leaned my head far back, the alcohol rush surging through my body. i laid on my stomach on the bed, my head propped up on my palms as i listened to axls amazing voice. his voice varying between a deep mysterious voice to screeching, both equally pleasing to the ears.

after an hour of everyone drinking we were all getting to the point where we were quite hungry. slash was slumped over in the window sill smoking a cigarette, steven was playing twenty questions with duff and sam, izzy was sharing the remnants of the daniels with axl.

"guys," axl began, breaking the silence that haunted the room, "let's go get some food!" we were all for going because we were all starved but no one was sober enough to drink, that i knew of at least, but at that moment it was the least of my concern.

"i totally agree," i nodded eagerly as i sat up, my head was spinning quite a bit but i tried to ignore the sensation. "where should we go?"

"let's go to denny's, they're open 24/7, right?" axl asked as he looked around the room at the drunken friends. i nodded over at him and smiled.

"let's go," i spoke as i stood up, nobody moved, not even axl who was advocating the whole idea of getting food. i rolled my eyes and just sat back down on the bed, slash was nearly passed out from the alcohol and from playing the show. he moved from the window to the other bed where axl and izzy were laying down across each other.

another thirty minutes passed and my hunger had subsided, i came to the conclusion that i wasn't going to sleep. i looked over at sam who was eager to leave, she nudged my arm and sat beside me.

"we should go back to the apartment, there's not enough room for all of us." she whispered to me and i looked at the clock, the buzzing red numbers reading, 4:08 a.m., i looked over at her and nodded. the last thing i wanted to do was leave but i couldn't exactly just abandon my friend even if duff and izzy were coming along with is home.

"alright boys, sam, duff, izzy, and i are going to head back to the apartment," i announced and axl just looked up at me.

"come on, you can't leave, you should stay the night." axl argued, "sam will be fine with the two dipshits, stay the night, heather." i was contemplating staying, i really wanted to spend the night at the hotel with they boys but i knew sam would've never forgiven me.

"no, i gotta go too, i can't abandon her." my voice was full of disappointment, axl could tell. i walked over to slash who was laying on the bed, i looked down at him and cocked an eyebrow. "i want a hug."

"i'm too tired to sit up." he complained as he ran a hand through his hair, i let out a breath and raised my hands up a bit.

"just get up and give me a hug, i'm leaving you asshole." slash just shrugged and motioned his hands for me to lean down and hug him. we argued for about five minutes, although sam was across the room i could feel her impatient and breathing down my neck. finally i was the one to cave just so i wouldn't aggravate sam any more. i leaned down and hugged slash, his arms wrapped around me and the next thing i knew he had pulled me on top of him. i quickly stood up and walked over to axl who was laying his head on stevens chest. axl and steven both sat up and gave me hugs.

"you're positive you can't stay?" axl questioned me one last time, i just nodded and we disappeared from the room, walking out the door and not turning back. the drive back to the apartment felt like forever although it wasn't even remotely close to being long.

once we finally made it back to the apartment duff and sam disappeared into their room to celebrate the night in their own way, izzy and i sat in the living room watching MTV music videos. my thoughts were interrupted once i heard the phone ringing in the kitchen, i sighed loudly, both izzy and i looked at each other and he made it clear with his looks he didn't want to get up. i rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen, picking up the phone from the hook and holding it against my ear, playing with the curled wire in my fingers.

"hey heather!" axl yelled on the other side of the line, clearly drunk.

"hello axl, what is it?" i questioned only to hear his drunk giggle in the background.

"slash totally wanted to fuck you," axl spoke, the words were unreal to me, "you should totally come back and fuck slash. he won't shut up, he told me he wants to fuck you and wants to know if you're up for it." everything was spinning, of course i wanted to but i couldn't leave.

"i mean, yeah i'm up for it but i can't leave. why is he just now saying this?"

"i don't know, he just wants you to come back so he can fuck you."

"he's probably just drunk..."

"no, he sounds pretty sure."

"heather, who's on the phone?" i heard izzy yell from across the house. shit.

"it's just axl, he's checking in on us," i yelled back at izzy.

"dirty liar." axl laughed into the phone and teased me about slash wanting to fuck me. i got tired of it and just hung up the phone.

july 3, 1985, wednesday.

i woke up in my own bed, the warm blankets cascading along my body, i was scheduled to work today but after my night of restless sleep i didn't show up. pretty soon slash, axl, and steven walked through the front door being accompanied by izzy who drove them. my eyes met slash's, his eyes flashing flames behind them. i quickly looked away and pulled axl into the kitchen.

"can we talk about last night?" i questioned him and he nodded, "what was the whole slash thing about last night?"

"he wanted to fuck you, that's the reason why we wanted you to stay was so that you could fuck slash." axl shrugged and i shrunk a bit inside, i didn't know how to feel, "can you imagine how amazing that would've been? what a way to end a concert." he smiled down at me and walked out of the kitchen and to his room.

i would catch slash's stares throughout the day, i couldn't help it, i honestly did want him, it had been a while since we had done anything and i craved his touch. tonight.

heat of the moment. // slash Where stories live. Discover now