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read the title. 

pete wentz

pete wentz

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~34, 5'6(he's a little guy)(shout out if you understand that reference)

~plays bass, likes soccer

jessica braden

jessica braden

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~25, 5'9

~models, named the richest model of 2012

~loves annoying people

~very sarcastic, sometimes you don't know if she's being serious or not

~loves spilling tea, and flipping people off when not modeling

paris ortner

paris ortner

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~29, 5'6

~jessica's best friend's sister can be a bitch

~jessica gets the sarcasm trait from her 

kim kardashian

kim kardashian

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~32, 5'3

~jessica's best friend, practically inseparable

~pretty fucking famous 

~basically the reason jessica is famous

alex ortner

alex ortner

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~5'9.5, 26

~jessica's other best friend

~warns her on everything

~world famous oscar winning actor

~jessica thinks his accent is hot, but could never live with it

~did i mention he's british

(a/n that cover art is my handwriting, also happy fourth. seemed fitting to post the first chapter on the fourth.)

fourth of july//pete wentzWhere stories live. Discover now