Chapter 2, First day of school.

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It's seven o'clock in the morning, most people would still be sleeping around this time but Daniel was awoke and preparing for his first day of school. Having finished packing his needs for the day, he went to take a shower.

While he was taking a shower, he was thinking about the upcoming events in the near future. While not committing social activities with his fellow classmates, there were still moments where he talked with them, like for example assignments you had to do in groups to pass.

Even with most of the time people wanting to work with Daniel, he rejected the plan and continued on working alone. It is not like he was lacking the confidence or the communication skills. He just didn't see the need for it, since he was capable of doing it alone.

But this time his parents wanted him to start with socializing, with... Making friends.

Daniel finished his shower and put his clothes on, getting ready to leave towards school. He greeted his parents and went outside, towards the bus stop. The bus arrived and he stepped in.

He didn't see anyone familiar in the bus, since it's the first day of school most people went with their parents' car or something along the lines of that. Daniel's parents aren't able to do that since they are busy with the company and Daniel wholeheartedly understood that.

He arrived at school, although not much people being there, he was glad he made it in time. He was going inside until he heard a rather familiar voice.

"Daniel, early again? Some things just never change huh?"

"Don't bring it over like it is a bad thing to do, being early guarantees me that I won't be late, Felix."

The guy Daniel was talking to was named Felix, a young man around the age of Daniel. Having dark blond hair and a debatable handsome face, girls are occasionally attracted towards him. Knowing this fact and making use of it, he made himself known as the playboy of this school.

"Hmm? Usually you would ignore me and walk off, I suppose some things have changed. Have my charms affected you as well Daniel? No shame in admitting it~"

"I hope you meant that for comedic purposes only, Felix. I am not feeling any attraction towards you, besides, is it wrong of me to socialize more? Even if it is with someone among the likes of you?"

"Yikes, didn't know you had it in ya to hurt people like that Daniel. It could still use some work though, and with some I mean a lot of work. Anyway, starting things early this year huh? I always see you two arguing about anything and everything."

Both Daniel and Felix turned around to see who said that. Even though they both knew very well who it was, Zeke. A middle length guy with both greenish eyes and red hair. Usually talking in very casual language. He is known for his humoristic side, but he is still as hardworking as everyone else.

"Well hello, Zeke. I suppose I shall take that as a compliment, I haven't seen you in quite a while. How have you been doing since last time?"

Zeke was surprised too at how Daniel was acting, just before summer he would have already been in class waiting for the teacher by now.

"If with last time ya mean like last February or something, then yeah I have been doing alright. Dunno what happened with you but you sure are different."

"You both are acting very strange, am I really that different by not leaving the conversation? Well, class is starting soon. I suppose I shall see you two later one, well goodbye for now."

As Daniel went inside, Zeke and Felix looked at each other. Not sure if what just happened was real.

"Hey Felix, mind doing something for me?"

"What is it?"

"Slap yourself in the face to see if this is a dream or not."

"I suppose you are right, but why won't you?"

"Because if this is your dream, and I slap myself and nothing happens. Then how would you know?"

"Hmm... Alright, you are right I suppose."

As Felix slapped himself in the face and realised it wasn't a dream, Zeke started laughing.

"Ouch.. What's so funny? Because it's not a dream?"

"No, I already knew it wasn't a dream lol. I just wanted to see you slap yourself and you fell for it XD"

"...Okay first, why are you saying ' XD '? Isn't that for the phone? You know what.. It doesn't matter. Anyway, second, let's not talk about this mather. Ever."

"Well first, cuz I want to. Something wrong with that, pretty boy? And second, hmm... Hmm... I'll be thinking 'bout it, kay? No promises though~ Bye for now~ ;-)"

"Wait... What? Thinking about it? Zeke? ZEKE!? WAIT WHY ARE YOU LEAVING.!? I NEED ANSWERS, NOW! ...God... I hope he was just trying to be funny again..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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