The friends return

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Harry was so happy to be leaving the Dursleys for the last time and he couldn't wait to see his friends Ron and Hermione again.

When He got down to platform nine and three quarters he saw
Ron and Hermione arguing (as usual) and he could hear them before he could see them.
"Ron! Hermione!" He shouted to them
In unison they both shouted back to him
He laughed they laughed and then there was that awkward silence.

"Maybe we should run through the wall"
Harry said to them as when he looked at the clock it said 10:55 and the Hogwarts Express would be leaving in 5 minutes. So the three friends ran through the wall.

Harry and Hermione were really worried about Ron and Ginny as they knew that they both really missed Fred they both were always so down.

Before Harry got on the Hogwarts Express he went to Gringotts and got some money so that when the sweet trolley lady came by he could buy Ron some Bertie Botts every flavour beans and Ginny a Chocolate Frog to cheer them up and luckily it did.

When they arrived at Hogwarts Harry saw Draco Malfoy and did not think that he would return to Hogwarts after his secret was out to the world that he is or was a Death Eater.

"Well, well, well look what we have here we have Potter weasel and Mudblood. How nice it is to have you all back here."
Draco said sarcastically.
"Nice to see you to Malfoy"
Harry replied.
He didn't say anything as Harry Ron and Hermione walked away with PURE SASS!

When Harry Ron and Hermione got into Hogwarts everyone was already seated waiting for the sorting ceremony to begin. Harry Ron and Hermione then sat down at the Gryffindor Table and where Harry was sitting he was looking at Draco.

Draco got the attention of Crabbe who was sitting right across from him and passed him a note and then he passes the note to Ron who passed it to Harry.
"Is this note for me?"
Harry asked Ron
Ron answered
"It's from Malfoy"
Ron continued.
"Why would Malfoy give me a note? He hates me!"
Harry told Him.
"Dunno mate. Open it and find out."
Ron said to Harry.

Harry carefully opened up the note trying not to disturb anyone around him. When he opened up the note it read

Potter meet me in the school library after hours tonight. Oh and bring the invisibility cloak
From Malfoy...

"Well...what does it say?"
Hermione asked Harry.

Harry looked at her then Ron and back at Malfoy and Malfoy looked at Harry and just smirked.
"I have to uh...Um....give Malfoy back the potions book He let me borrow."
Harry lied to them because He didn't want them to worry about him.

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