Chapter Twelve, A Day At The Set

Start from the beginning

"Wow this is the set of midnight blood!", Miyako practically yelled. "Yep. Things have been a little crazy here filming for the show and movie", I said. "I can't believe your show is being made into a movie", butch said as he picked up a sword prop. "The ratings for the first few seasons was extremely good so they signed off on the movie right away", brick said as butch began swinging the sword around while doing ninja moves. "Uhm.. dude", brick started to say. "Butch watch out!", I said as I quickly grabbed the sword and yanked it away from butch just before he almost hit the director. "Nice save akatsutsumi", the director said and he smiled and continued to walk by. "You know if that had been a real sword your hand would be cut up right?", Kirito said as he took the sword from me. "Of course I know that but what was I supposed to do? Let the director get hit?", I asked. "I guess not", kirito said. "Okay guys I talked to the higher ups and they said you can have a part! You each get to sit in the back ground doing something at this sub shop", asuna said as she gestured to the set. "Wow really!?", boomer asked. "Yep! I'm so excited for you guys!", asuna said. "How would one of you like to die?", the director asked as he walked over to us. "Well preferably at an old age in my bed after I've lived a long life", butch said. Brick and I both face palmed and stared at butch. "Uhm no I meant would one of you like to die in the next scene while in the sub shop", the director said. "Oh oh pick me pick me!", butch said as he raised his hand and practically hopped back and fourth. "Ah sorry you'll have to excuse my brother. He doesn't get out much", brick said as he laughed. Butch shot brick a stern look. "No no I like the enthusiasm. So this is your brother?", the director asked. "Yeah that's butch and his fiancé Kaoru and my youngest brother boomer and his fiancé miyako", brick said as he gestured to everyone. "Ahh so the rowdy ruffs and the puffs then huh?", the director said. "Yes", brick said. "Well it's nice to meet all of you. Ah I guess I should tell you your parts. Miyako and boomer why don't you two act as employees so you can stand behind the counter making subs and coffee. Then Kaoru and butch can sit and pretend to eat while we film momoko and brick. Then asuna is gonna burst in and throw ninja stars but will miss and hit butch in the neck", the director said. "So wait I'm getting ninja stared in the neck?", butch asked. "Yes with a rubber one. When it hits you you will grab your neck and fall to the ground. While on the ground you will put fake blood on your neck and once the camera shows you you gotta pretend to take the star out of your neck", the director said. "Got it", butch said. "So what do I do? Do I run or stay by his body and cry?", Kaoru asked. "Well you can cry by him for a few seconds but then I need you to run away and Miyako and boomer will stay frozen behind the counter", the director said. "So in other words every one needs hair and make up done now", Anna said as she walked toward us. "Yes exactly ", the director said.

About two hours later we was all ready and was heading back to the set. I walked onto the set to see Miyako wearing a dark blue shirt with dark blue pants with a black apron on with a black hat on. Boomer was wearing the same outfit but his was more masculine compared to hers. Miyako excitedly waved at me from behind the fake counter. Butch walked onto the set wearing a white T-shirt with a dark green jacket and black pants. Butch excitedly pulled the fake blood packet out of his pocket then showed it to me then quickly put it back. Kaoru was wearing a white sports jerseys with the number 13 on it and also wore gray skinny jeans. "You guys ready?" The director asked as brick and Emma sat down at the table. "Yeah", we all said. "Good alright action", the director called. I quickly walked up to Miyako and took the bag of food and coffee from her. "Not eating again?", Miyako asked. "Nah I'm not hungry but my family is so yeah but thanks", I said as I smiled then quickly walked past butch who was stuffing his face with a sub while Kaoru excitedly talked about the game on the tv. I quickly sat down at the table with brick. Emma excitedly moved around in her chair. "Here you go Isabel", I said as I handed Emma her sub. Brick picked up his coffee and took a sip. "Carful daddy! It could be hot!", Emma said as she pointed her finger. "I'll be fine.", brick said as he set down his coffee. I quickly handed brick his sub. Brick quickly unwrapped his sub and began eating it. Damn he's lucky his character is able to actually eat food. "Uh we should probably make sure you feed before tonight... it's been awhile", brick whispered. "I'll be fine.", I said. "Mommy I'm thirsty too!", Emma said. "Shh Isabel. You must eat your sub now. You and mommy can go out later okay", brick said as he patted Emma's head. "Okay daddy", Emma said. Suddenly the front glass broke which sent glass flying everywhere. Asuna appeared in the window holding ninja stars and quickly threw them at us. "Get down!", I screamed as I jumped across the table grabbing brick and Emma pushing them to the floor. Every one in the shop was now screaming and running for exits. Butch let out a groan as he fell to the floor. "Isabel stay under the table", I ordered. Brick and I quickly stood up. "No no nooooo", Kaoru yelled as she held her hands over butch's neck as if she was trying to stop the bleeding. Blood was now all over his neck and all over his white shirt. It was all over Kaoru's pants and jersey. I quickly covered my nose with my hand and made a scrunched up face. "Ahh the smell of blood is getting to you huh? It's been weeks since you've fed. The hunger is building up inside you", asuna said as she pulled out her sword. "No. He's a human. I could never harm him", I yelled. "Your a fucking vampire! It's in your DNA!", asuna yelled. "Brianna it's your job to protect humans but yet you just hurt one!", brick yelled. "Well sometimes it happens!", asuna yelled. I looked down to see Kaoru leaning over crying on butch's chest as he pretended to take his last breath. "Hurry get out of here!", Emma said to Kaoru. Kaoru looked at Emma. "I'm sorry about you friend but you must go!", brick said. Kaoru quickly got up and ran for the back exit crying. I quickly ran towards Asuna ready to fight. Asuna quickly swung her sword at me but I smacked it out of her hand. "You are no match for me!" Asuna yelled as she lifted me in the air and threw me over the counter. I slammed into the coffee machine make it hiss with steam coming out. Miyako screamed as boomer pulled her behind him.  Boomer held a broom tightly in his hand. "I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave", boomer said as asuna jumped up on the counter. Asuna gave boomer a menacing look so boomer quickly dropped the broom which made a loud noise. Boomer quickly grabbed Miyako's hand and they both ran into the back kitchen to find an exit. "Brianna come fight me", brick said as he pulled his sword out of his bag. "Cut!", yelled the director. Every one stopped and turned and looked at the director. "That was perfect!", the director yelled with excitement. Butch quickly sat up. "I got fake blood in my mouth!", butch said as he stood up and ran off somewhere. "You did awesome!", asuna said as a stage hand came up and took my harness off. It was used to pull me and make it look like I was being thrown. "You did awesome too!", I said as I smiled.

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