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I laid in a dark room with several others, who shared the room with me. I sat up from my small bed on the ground and leaned against the wall. I felt my tail stir, gently under the covers. I stood up to release it from the cotton trap. It swayed calmly behind me as I walked towards the bathroom. I picked up my shower robe, and headed for the showers.

When I walked in, I placed my robe on a hook which stuck out from the wall. I undressed as I walked to the shower, and turned the water on. A few minutes went by before I felt the water to see if it was warm enough to get in. I picked up the clothes I shed, and tossed them into a laundry basket.

We don't have hot water here, so what we do is we wait for the bitter cold water to pass and let the slightly warmer water flow in.

I stepped in and let the cold water wash over me. I washed my long platinum hair, tail, ears and my smooth, hairless body. The only place on my body that had hair was in my mid region.

I hummed to myself as I showered, careful not to spend too much time in the bathroom. When I was finished, I put on my robe and walked out of the bathroom. There was the usual group of guys my age standing or walking around completely naked. I winked at some of them and they watched me walk past.

I got out of the locker room and went back to my room. There were a few guys left in the room, one sleeping and the other four getting ready to go to the showers. I turned my back to them, and dropped my robe. I heard them mutter a few words and they all stopped talking and I guess were looking at my naked back.

I opened a few drawers and pulled out clothes. I put on a black pair of boxers, a red tank top and grey tights that had a hole cut in the back for my tail.

When I turned around, they were all looking at me and even the one who was asleep had woken up and joined the other four in the starring competition. I enjoyed guys getting pleasure from my body, wether physical or just by looking at my body. I liked the attention because it made me feel...beautiful.

"Does anyone know where my hair ties are? I cannot find them." I said in my sweetest voice.

The fact that I have a British accent and I live in the americas, made that sentence sound even more dangerously appealing.

"I-I have one you can borrow." One of the guys, Lucas, said handing me a tie from his wrist.

"Thanks. I'll have to properly thank you sometime. Now, shower up, all of you, and be out at the field in twenty minutes. I believe that we're going to have to move bases. Now go!" I said and they all scrambled to get out of the door.

My father and mother were the high overseers in this group of the Neko colony. Which gave me some power until I turn eighteen. Once I turn eighteen, my title is taken away, I'll be put into the army and I'll have to fight to protect my kind. I'm fine with everything but the fighting.

I'm not a killer. The only weapon I choose to use is a stunning rod. It's a long pole with electrical nodes on each end. It doesn't kill, but one hit and it's very likely to knock the person out. I like to use staffs and other types of weapons that aren't always used to kill.

I ran off to find my parents and talk to them about what's going to happen today. I ran past people talking, drinking, and some eating. I headed to the overseers office. When I walked in my parents were talking to one of their high guards. I stood and waited patiently for them to finish talking.

"...yes sir. I'll inform them all right away. Good day." The guard said before walking past me.

"Son? What are you doing here?" My father asked me in his deep British voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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