You: hi am y/n and this is Trixie, we are here to look for a book.

Herminia: okay what kind of book you are looking for is it an romance book so you can read it to your girlfriend here.

You: oh no were not a couple.

Herminia: I see but why is she holding you like you guys are a couple.

You: well you see there is alot of dangers in the city of Jerusalem,for a pretty girl, so am just protecting her.

Herminia: I see it's is true you did see today outside that the were taking a prisoner to go get crucified in the cross. They say he is the son of God.

You: yea true, but anyway am not looking for a romance book am looking more for a adventure book.

Herminia: okay I know just the right one.

She goes to the book shelf and looks around.

Herminia: hmm let me see,

she looks around for a couple of minutes and find the book she is look for you.

Herminia: okay here we go the book is call the wonders adventure. It has fighting, adventuring and a little romance.

You: great I will take it.

Herminia: great it will be 5 silver coins.

You: here you go, you hand her the 5 silver coins.

Herminia: thank you.

Trihexa: can we go know.

You: sure

You and trihexa started to walk out the door, but herminia stop you guys.

Herminia: wait

You both turn around.

Herminia she started to fidget her fingers.

Herminia:  if its true that you are not a couple.

You: okay.

Herminia: then you are free right.

You: yes

Herminia: so your free, I close up shop after the sun disen So if there away we can hang out maybe get some food.

You: If I have time I would gladly, go with you to eat dinner.

Heeminia: thank you she smiles, come again.

Trixie in her mind : bitch you trying to steal my y/n away, I won't let you get away with it.

You: okay thanks

You and Trixie walk out of the shop and are heading to see Jesus christ  be crucified.

While you guys were walking for a couple of buildings of Way from the store, Trixie stop walking.

You: whats wrong Trixie.

Trixie: am sorry y/n but I forgot I was going to buy something at the shop store.

You: okay lets go.

Trixie: no its fine y/n I will go alone.

You: are you sure about that.

Trixie: yes just wait for me here I will not take that long.

You: okay I will wait if you need help just scream and I will here you.

Trixie: okay thank you.

She starts walking away and heading to the shop keeper store.

You: why didn't  she get what she wanted when we were at the shop keeper store. She is kind of weird sometimes, I really do want to know why God created both me a Trixie for.

LOVE AND SADNESS Male saiyan destroyer x dxdWhere stories live. Discover now