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For the person that likes Peter Pan
Your powers are
1.shape shifting
4. Dark one powers

For the person that likes Felix
Your powers are
1.heightened senses and abilities
2.elemental abilities
4. Feel shifting (can turn into animal that they feel like but not all animals)


Person that likes Peter Pan

P/L(peter lover=your name) was 7 and walking in a park with her family on a dreary day. The family consisted of her mom, dad, older sister, and twin younger brothers. They were a happy family. Dad was a doctor, mom was lawyer, sister was finally fulfilling her dreams as a clothing designer. They were the happiest family alive. But then p/l turned around to find her family lying on the ground, heads split open bleeding. She rushes over to her big sister and lifts her head up only for it to slip out of her hands because of the blood. She cries out for her big sister and brings her hands to her face and starts uncontrollably sobbing and shaking. She takes her hands away from her face and sees the blood on her hands. She then brings her knees to her chest and i her I arms around them. Eventually a lady that looks like she is in her late thirties finds them while walking her collie. She immediately called 911 and told them about the situation. After all that the lady took in p/l and she lived in New York until p/l got kicked out of every school there. That is when they decided to move to story Brooke.
Person that likes Felix here is your back story

F/l = Felix lover
-----Age 10, orphanage -----------
F/l sits in a dark corner of a window. her nees to her chest and tears streaming down her face. The rain pelting down on the glass seemed to cry with her, morning her new descovered loss.

"How did this happen? Why me?"
F/l thought to herself. Then it suddenly all came back to her, she knew exactly how.

------Flashback , age five----------
Men in dark clothing took f/l and her family away from their home and separated them. It all seemed to go by in a blur. Eating, training, learning repeat. The experiments were the hard parts. People in white robes, calling themselves doctors, telling her it was to make her stronger, but all she could feel was the pain. All she could feel were the needles peircing her skin. The same thoughts running around in her head
"Where are my family?"
" where are my friends? "
--------age 10, the escape-----
Run, run, run
That's all her mind was telling her to do, every fiber in her being screamed at her to run away and never look back. The sounds of explosions and raging fire behind her, all were just painful reminders of what she did, and what she found out.
She ran until her feat gave in from under her, knees buckling and pacing out from exaughtion on the doorsteps of the unfamiliar Building. What she soon discovered to be an orphanage.
------- age 11, birthday-------
"Happy birthday to me "
F/l thought to herself as she petted Zasha,  the Russian blue kitten the lady at the orphanage gave her that very day to help her with her PTSD.
F/l was alone, barring herself from any human relationships and keeping her walls up .
The lady who runs the orphanage opens the door quietly, letting an unfamiliar, dark haired woman inside and closing the door.
The dark haired woman sat down onto f/l's stiff bed. F/l didn't even look in her direction, completely ignoring her presence.
" hello, I'm Regina, you must be f/l" the dark haired lady said
F/l gave no response
"Not a talkative one, are you?" She gets up and starts to walk towards the door, but stops abruptly and says over here shoulder
"Well, are you coming?"
Finally f/l looks in her direction
"Going where?"
"To storybrooke, I just adopted you, I have a son named Henry, who is a few years younger than you, I adopted him as well, when he was a baby, so you'll have a younger brother "
Finally f/l stands up, with Zasha safely in her hands, and walks towards Regina.
"I'll come "
"Where are your things?"
F/l quickly grabbs a small bag and walks out the door.
" don't you have anything else?" Regina asks as she closes the car door.
"No, just Zasha, my bag, the clothes on my back and my life " f/l replies
----time skip to arriving to Raginas house because I'm lazy and to save you a silent ,awkward car drive---------
F/l and Regina enter the house and Ragina shows f/l to her room
"It's not much, but it's home. Dinners at six, I expect you to be downstairs one time " with that, Regina closes the door. Leaving f/l to get herself situated into her new home.

Hope you like the back story my friend worked really hard on the f/l story so I hope you enjoyed it

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