two: the day after her death

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When Reign's body was found the next day by her curious best friend Harper Young, the town changed for the worst. Took a dark path that could never be recovered. More deaths happened, more robbed banks, more hatred. Darkness ran in the roots of Silver Oak.

January 11th, 2011

     Harper woke up the next morning wondering why Reign was still gone. Harper got ready for school wearing; a white and black romper, paired with her Adidas Superstars. Harper drove all the way to Reign's house to see what was up.

     Harper knocked on the door and rang the doorbell multiple time, before realizing it was no use. She jammed her spare key in the lock and opened the door. A stale smell filled her nostrils as she walked in the house. 

     "Reign!" Harper called. She looked in all of the downstairs, nothing, no sign of Reign anywhere. It's a completely different story for upstairs. Harper walked up the steps with loud creeks. "Reign!" she called again. Harper walked into Reign's room and gave out a loud scream that woke the whole neighborhood up.

     Reign lay lifeless in the corner of her bedroom surrounded in blood. Knife marks were on her back, stomach, and chest. Her eyes were wide open as if she was taken by surprise. Harper didn't know what to do seeing her best friend dead. 

      Harper thought it was all her fault because she didn't go with Reign. If she was there Reign wouldn't have died. 

     She quickly made an attempt to dial 911. 

     "911, what's your emergency." The woman calmly said. "I just found my best friend Reign Woods dead in her home. Please help! I'm at 142 Leatherbend road." Harper cried into the phone's speaker. "We'll be right with you." The woman said, ending the call. 

     Harper's hand were covered in blood, as well as her clothes were soaked in the red substance. She went to Reign's bathroom to clean up the bloody mess. 

     Minutes later the ambulance arrived they wrapped Reign up in a body bag and drove her away. The Sheriff had a few words to say with Harper.

     "Harper Young, why on Earth were you in her house at this time of day. Do you give her a ride to school or something?" He pulled out his notepad. "No. She drives herself to school, she just recently got her license. I was looking to check on her since she left my house last night to grab her glasses." Harper said, reading the name tag on the sheriff. Sheriff Benjamin. "We're going to need you to come down by the station to answer a few more questions. Your mother has already been informed." Sheriff Benjamin led Harper to his vehicle. 

     They drove in silence to the station, which wasn't a big surprise to Harper. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the station, where Blair Woods was waiting. 

     "Oh my gosh! Harper! I was so worried when I got the phone call! Are you okay?" Blair hugged her daughter as tight as she could. 

     "Mom, I'm fine. Can we just get this over with." Harper asked. "Certainly." Sheriff Benjamin said. He led them down a long hallway to an interrogation room. "I'm just going to ask a few questions, got it." The sheriff said as Harper sat down in one of the uncomfortable metal chairs. 

     "Why did Reign feel the need to come to your house instead of being at her own?" He asked, notepad in hand. 

     "She got in an argument with her dad. Well not really an argument, he was ashamed of something she said and asked her to move out." Harper said.

     "What was this argument about precisely?" 

     "Reign had told her father about her girlfriend Adara before her parents left for vacation. He was not happy about it and said that she shamed him." 

     "So, where are her parents now?"


     "Did she drive to her house or walk?"

      "She drove."

      "Why didn't you drive her for protection?

      "She left before I could even come along for the ride."

      Sheriff Benjamin turned his eyes to Blair. "Mrs.Woods did you see Reign leave your home?" He asked her. "No. I must not have been paying attention at the time when she left." Blair responded.

      "Ma'am, did you hear the door open and close while you were distracted?" He asked.

      "No. All I could hear was the sizzling of food cooking on the stove. It was extremely loud and I wasn't exactly focusing on silly things like a door opening." Blair responded.

     "With all due respect Mrs.Woods, it wasn't a silly thing. If you haven't realized a girl, your daughter's best friend to be exact was murdered in cold blood." Silence. Nobody had anything to say. The room was quiet. The sheriff was right, it wasn't silly at all, a life had been put on the line.

    Blair and Harper grabbed their things and left the station without a word. They got inside of the parked Bentley and drove away. 

    "Harper, I am going to warn you now, do not go trying to solve this case. This isn't one of your mystery TV shows, this is real life. The police have it handled, understood." Blair's voice was harsh. Harper had never heard that tone before.

     "I understand," Harper muttered under her breath. 

     When Blair passed the school, Harper spoke up. "Mom, the school's the other way." "Well I just assumed you didn't want to go because of Reign, and look at you, you're a mess," Blair responded. 

     "I want to go somewhere that would distract me of the fact that Reign is dead. I hope nobody knows about it at school. Can I just change at home and drive back to school?" Harper asked. Blair responded with a nod and headed home.

    Harper changed into a more simple outfit; a pink tee with a pineapple on the pocket, jeans, and sneakers. The drive to school was quick, but by the time she arrived 2nd period was over. 

    The rest of the school day went by extremely slow. The usual, tons of homework, rumors flying through the air. All without Reign.

     She almost forgot about driving her other best friend Paris up from school, until she heard her screaming, "Wait!", with books in hand. 

    Keira opened the door on Harper's red convertible and jumped in extremely happy. "Yes! I finally beat Reign to the passenger side! Where is she by the way?" Paris cheered. Probably in a coffin right now. Harper thought. "Most likely shopping for a new pair of shoes, or something." Harper lied. She knew exactly where Reign was. Like it was any of Paris's business.

    The rest of the ride home was mostly just Paris babbling about her new boyfriend Jessie and the cheer team. Harper didn't care, the only thing on her mind was Reign and her lifeless body. After the day after Reign's death, it didn't get easier for anybody. The whole school eventually found out about Reign dying over the news or social media. An assembly was held in her honor. Harper and Keira had a big fight senior year cutting off all ties with each other. Reign's death changed everyone at Silver Oak High, for the worst.

Hey guys! How do you like the second chapter of sundown? I designed the cover recently just so I could upload this. I also am struggling with the cast, so if you could leave suggestions below that would be amazing. Once I finish this book, should I make a sequel on what happens after this chapter since after this it switches to current day Harper? I'm thinking about making a writing tips story if you would like that. Questions of the day!

QOTD 1: If you could have your dream job, what would it be?

QOTD 2: DC or Marvel

That's all for today, see you soon loves!


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