musical vibes ~ 6

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Aysia POV

I ran up to my room and quickly checked the time. It was currently 5:32 and the party started at 9:00 which meant I had more than enough time to get ready. I decided to first see which friends of mine were down to come so I texted our group chat called "thicc bitches🖤":

Anybody down to party tonight?

Sure, what time?

It's at 9 but be ready by 8:30

Can't, im grounded :(

Gotchu, pick me up. I'll text you when I'm ready

Send me the address, I'll meet you guys there

Y'all go have some fun! Imma go eat. Lmao

Aight, ill meet you there too. Send the address.

Thanks guys. I'll send the address.

I put my phone in the charger and started getting ready. I picked out something casual so that I was comfortable, I decided to wear the black revenge hoodie that Jah gave me and a pair of black sweatpants, setting them down on my bed for after my shower.

I grabbed my towel from the closet and then headed to the washroom. I turned on the water so it could heat up as I started playing my music and getting undressed. I fortunately remembered about Jah and decided to play some of his music. I searched up 'XXXtentacion' on SoundCloud and pressed on what seemed to be his profile with a picture of him. I pressed the first song and let the rest follow after each other. The first song was called "elephant in the room".

I hopped into the shower and it finally started playing after the intro. It was calm and really relaxing. His voice was soft and made you want to sleep. I set a reminder in my head to add this to my shower playlist when I was done and also just add it to my library in general. It slowly ended and there was a pause until the next song started playing. This one was much more up beat but it was still nice, it got me hyped for this party.

I finished washing myself up and hopped out the shower, wrapping the towel around my waist after drying myself. I went into my room and started to change into the clothes I picked out. Once I finished putting on my outfit, I checked the time and saw it was still only 5:56. I grabbed all my makeup and hair products and headed back into the washroom.

I pinned my hair up and started with my makeup first. I didn't want to be too extra, so I only put on lip gloss, concealer, blush, and lastly, mascara. Once I was done with my makeup, I took the pin out my hair and let it down. I was choosing between straightening it out or making it into light curls but I decided to go with the light curls since the straight hair would get messy from all the sweating and dancing anyways.

I finally finished everything and put away all my makeup and etc. It was still 6:37 which meant I had another 2 hours or so before I had to leave. I didn't want to call Jah yet so instead I went downstairs, laid back, and continued watching the spongebob episode I was currently on. Figuring that I would also get hungry at the party, I ate a bit of food, but not to the amount that I would be too full to eat there. I went back to the couch with a bit of snacks and then started stalling till it was time to leave.

Sorry for the hella short chapter but hoped y'all enjoyed!🖤

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