Chapter 18 - Nimble as a Butterfly

Start from the beginning

He swallows. "My parents never came back. I took care of Nadya after that, she was only nine at the time. Then, five years ago, Nadya and I were out foraging when a few men surprised us. We'd heard of a couple of kids going missing, but always assumed they'd gotten lost or gone off on their own. It wasn't that uncommon. The men knocked us out and brought us to Elysia. We've been here ever since."

I've always thought Dale and I were so different, but perhaps, at the core, we're not that different after all. We've both lost our parents, and both been brought to this place against our will. I could tell him about my own past, but I don't. With each piece of myself I give away, it becomes that much harder to keep huddled behind the wall I've built.

I want to ask if he ever went looking for his parents. I never got up the nerve to look for my mom. But I can't ask that. Instead I say, "What happened to the woman?"

His eyes pierce mine. "She got better. I guess she didn't need that medicine after all. She's probably still out there, living in Fairbanks."

I lean back against the wall. She's not the only one who may still be out there. Dale's parents, for one. Maybe my mom, too. I push the thought away. There's no point in dwelling on it. It's not like we'll ever see them again. 


The next day at lunch, Weston has a screen.

"How'd you get that?" I ask, attempting and failing to keep the fascination from my voice. Besides the system in the Solar Room, I haven't seen any screens available for test subjects to use. I feel an impulse to reach out and stroke the cool glass, but I keep my hands on my tray and slide onto the bench across from him.

He looks up. "Dr. Ellis let me borrow it. It's some study results he's publishing. He usually lets me read what he prepares for the committee."

I guess he's talking about the group of people I saw in Sheer's office. Maybe this is the report they were talking about. Just how much information did Ellis give Weston access to? "Does it say why the yellow and purple trials ended?"

He tilts his head. "I don't know, I just started reading it this morning. Why?"

Dale shoots me a look, boring holes into my temple. Why doesn't he want me to ask Weston? There might be information on that tablet that proves I didn't misunderstand what I overheard.

I turn back to Weston. "Don't you think it's weird that they've just suddenly ended?"

He frowns and looks as if he's mulling it over. "I'm sure there's a good reason."

"Maybe the reason is that they're giving up." My words sink in and he shakes his head, pressing his lips into a thin line. I keep talking, trying to fit the words in before he can decide I'm wrong. "Maybe they're ending the trials and they won't need us anymore. They're going to get rid of us."

"Why would you say that?" And with those words, I know I've already lost him. It's the way he says it, more like a challenge than like he really wants to know. But there might be something important in that report, so I keep pushing.

"I heard them talking about it-" I begin, but that's as far as I get.

"You don't know what you're talking about." He waves his hand dismissively. "You're new here. You don't know how things work. Dr. Ellis would never let them do that. He's been so run down lately trying to find an answer to this thing, trying to stop people from starving. He would never give up."

I sigh and look down. "He tried to convince those people otherwise, but-"

"Stop it." Weston turns to Dale, who's glaring at me. At least this time he has a reason to. "You were right. She's a liar and a killer and I should never have told you to forgive her for what she did to Trenton."

I raise my eyebrows, and lean back. "I'm not lying. I know what I heard. We have to find a way out of here, whether you like it or not."

Weston looks like he's about to retort, but then his gaze moves to something over my shoulder. He quickly looks down and begins eating. I turn, holding my breath. It's Brandt.

"What did I just hear you say?" He asks. I don't answer. I don't think he wants one.

He pulls out his taser and I flinch, but he only prods me with it. "Get up," he says. I stand. He takes a step toward me and, in a voice so low I'm sure no one else can hear, says, "You're lucky Sheer chose you for her little task. If she hadn't, you would be out of here in a body bag before this meal ended. You can be sure she'll hear about this too. Spreading rumors." He makes a noise of disgust and steps back, then nods towards the doors.

"Now get out. Your breakfast is over."

Half of my food sits uneaten on my plate, and for a moment I worry about not finishing it. It's a silly thing to worry about, but I suppose I've gotten into the habit. Really, this isn't a punishment. At least I don't have to choke that down.

I almost believe myself, until I'm forced to walk through the room. Everyone stares, of course. Leah catches my eye and sneers. I sneer back, startling her, and feel an inner twinge of satisfaction.

I can feel Dale's glare on my back as I leave the room. Sure, maybe I can agree now that telling Weston may not have been the best idea. But Dale should have believed me. He should be helping me plan an escape.

Before it's too late. 


Author's note: Thank you so much for reading! Please don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter :).

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