Chapter Twelve: Bad to the Bone

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Mal couldn't believe the words she was hearing. She and Harry stood inches from each other, Harry's chest heaving in effort.

"I'm sorry, what?" Mal yelled at the top of her lungs. "You're really defending her after what she said to me? Do you think I'm lying?"

Harry glared at her.

"I'm not defending her, I'm just sayin' that you could have dreamt it. You don't have to think ill of everyone new."

He looked out over the ocean. This was where Mal always came to be alone, and he knew that. He would come too, but lately they'd just end up fighting.

"Can't you just leave?" Mal sounded tired.

It had been two weeks since Uma had told Mal her little secret and this far no one had believed her. Then again, who would? Uma was acting nicer than Jane. The fact that Harry didn't believe her cut deep, but it was probably worse that even Evie was skeptical. She of all people should have known when Mal was telling the truth.

Mal sat down on one of the large rocks and rested her head on her knees. Harry looked at her from behind. She was so beautiful, his fairy. If they could only stop fighting.

He went up closer to her and sat down. She didn't even look at him.

"Love," he started, trying to think of something to say. "We'll just not talk about her, okay? She's been the reason for way too many fights lately, don't you think?" He combed his fingers through her hair. "When it's just us she doesn't exist."

Mal didn't say anything, but she nodded. She could deal with that. She scooted closer to Harry and leaned her head on his shoulder.

Things went on as usual. Harry and Mal spent more and more time together now that they'd stopped fighting. Two more weeks passed and things with Uma cooled down a bit. Mal was still always on her guard, but more discreet about it.

Harry sat in the sofa of the Dorm, sloppily skimming over the pages of his homework when the wall opened and Uma came in. He'd already known that she would come, he'd just been waiting.

He put his book down.

"Hey." He said with a smile. He and Uma had gotten over their little falling out after he'd left her on the Isle. She'd been pretty pissed, but soon forgiven him, 'because of his charm'.

But that wasn't why he'd waited for her to come. No, this was because that he wanted to prove Mal wrong. He had to prove to her that Uma didn't want her any harm.

Uma smiled back at him and sat down on the bed. "Hi." She replied and put the bag she'd been carrying on the floor.

"Needed some alone time?" He put his arms behind his head. Uma nodded.

"I'm still not really used to all the niceties. Don't you just get tired of it all. It seems so fake." She shook her head in disgust.

"Not really, not anymore. Although me and Mal leave every now and again. We reminisce about the Isle."

Uma's head perked up at the mention of Mal.

"Yeah I was going to ask, what's her deal?" Uma slowly rose from her seat. "I mean, yeah she was the queen on the Isle for a while, but she's nothing special here."

Harry chuckled. "She's the queen here too. We almost like her better than King Ben, even though she broke up with him."

"'We'?" Uma passed the bedpost. "Including you?"

Harry stared at her for a moment. She had a dangerous look in her eye.

"Of course including me, she's wonderful."

Uma scoffed. She got closer and closer until her knees hit Harry's.

"More wonderful than me?" She purred slowly, drawing out the words as much as she could. Harry didn't say anything, just stared up into Uma's eyes. She climbed on top of him. Their breaths mingled in the air and their lips were only inches apart.

Harry licked his lips, making Uma smile in satisfaction. She ran her hand over his jaw and brought their faces closer. He could feel head breath on him. It smelled of salt water. He gulped nervously. They'd been mates, partners in crime on the Isle. Never more, never less. He'd been her first mate.

She had of course flirted with him. He'd flirted back. She was hot, that much was clear. He angled his face upwards and stared into her eyes as she brought her head down.

"Yes." He stated clearly. Uma looked at him, confused. He rolled his eyes and grabbed her hips, pushing her back a bit. "She's way more wonderful than you are. You're nothing." He lifted her off of him and stood.

Uma's jaw dropped. She made a disgusted grimace.

"I can't believe you thought I'd kiss you. You haven't changed at all, have you?" He hissed angrily. Uma scrambled up and looked up at him.

"Well I can't believe you actually like her! She's scum, nothing of worth." Uma's expression softened. She ran her finger along his jawline. "Don't you remember when we ruled the Isle? It was paradise!"

"It was catastrophe! We were nothing compared to Mal and her gang. They had style, we were unorganized pricks."

Uma drew back her hand as if she'd been struck. "She's going down anyways. That I'll make sure of with or without you on my side." A wicked smile made its way upon Uma's lips. "And the kingdom with her."

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