three-july 1st

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     i slowly but surely woke up to the sound of breathing in my ear. great. i grimaced and slid out of bed, looking at the clock which read 9:45. i did my best to walk to the other side of the bed, my eyelids still sticky with sleep. i pushed wyatt's head in an attempt to wake him but it did nothing. "wyatt," i whispered. still nothing. i yanked the first pillow from under his golden curls and smacked him with it. "wake up!" still nothing. what kind of drugs is he taking? i crawled on top of him and put my hands on both sides of his face and shook him, but still nothing. i tried jumping on the bed, tickling him, opening his eyes, playing all star by smash mouth in his ears, giving him wet willies. nothing seemed to work. i had to find his weakness; that's when i realized it-his hair. i went into the bathroom and grabbed the electric clippers and brought them to his head. he shot up like a firework, just as i thought.
"[y/n]! what the fuck are you doing?!" he yelled.

"waking you up, duh," i replied.

"by shaving my hair? oh my god my hair!" he brought his hands up to his curls to head to make sure they were all still there. "i'm gonna kill you [l/n]!" he says as he jumped out of bed and chased me into the living room. i ran to the kitchen and got a wooden spoon from the drawer and waved it at him, "come any closer and i'll spank you!" i warned.

"oh, sure you will," he said, stepping forward.

"oh hey jaeden!" i said to a boy who wasn't there.

"what?" he looked behind him and i took the chance to hit him on his ass with the utensil.

he whipped around and charged me, pushing me against the counter and tickling me, where he knows i'm most ticklish, which made me drop the spoon. between my giggling i realized how weird this would look outside looking in, he was in his boxers after all. i pushed him off of me and raised my eyebrows at him, trying to hold in a laugh, "truce?" i questioned, "no more tickling OR spanking-unless it's a serious matter."

"truce," he said as i held out my hand to shake but instead he came in and hugged me. he smelled good. i mean what.


"c'mon," she told me as she walked towards finn and jacks shared bedroom, "we have to wake everyone else up."

     god, i thought, she's so beautiful, even when she's just woken up.

"wyatt, you should wake up finn and jack."

"what? why me?"

"because if they're naked, i don't wanna see jack or finn's dick."

"what makes you think i wanna see that?"

"oh, don't act like you haven't already."

"whatever," i said as i pushed past her and into the room.

the coast was clear. they were both fully clothed and sleeping. i peeked my head out the door to [y/n] and asked her to get me my phone. when she did i snapped a picture of them and left the room.

"did you wake them up?" she asked.

i shook my head and said, "no. but i did take a picture of both of them. let's get the rest of them."

she giggled that adorable laugh of hers as we went downstairs to hit sophia first. she was a light sleeper so we knew we had to be careful. i pulled my phone out of my pocket, took the picture, and snuck out of the room with [y/n] trailing behind. we went to jeremy on the pullout, then chosen and jaeden in the bunk beds. i caught a glance of the date on my phone. july first. it was chosen's birthday! after hurriedly taking the picture of chosen i pushed [y/n] out of the room and whispered in her ear, "today is chosen's birthday."

"WHAT?!" she yelled. shit. i covered her mouth and looked around and no one else had woken up, at least that i could see.

"shut up! we have to get everything ready and we have to do it before everyone wakes up."

"do what before everyone wakes up?" someone, not me or [y/n] asked. i realized how weird this looks. i've got [y/n] pressed against a wall with my hand over her mouth, insisting that we do an unnamed thing before people wake up. i lowered my hand from her face and said, "sophia! hi, it's chosen's birthday."

"it's chosen's birthday?" jeremy asked from the couch, now audibly awake.

i sigh and reply, "yes, but keep your voices down, i was telling [y/n] that we need to get everything ready."

"ok then let's do it!" sophia scream whispered.

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