Title Screen

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Now playing: Comptine D'un Autre été L'après Midi

The screen lights up with four on screen options;

New Game


Cheat Codes


Selecting options will result in the following;

Selecting New Game will cause the following sets of cut scenes.

Pluto- Now Playing - Zeitgeist by Savant (Very quietly)

The cut scene begins with you driving in the car with your mother and father...

Mom: Ready for your first day, sweety?

You: I guess... And mom, don't call me sweety. Seriously I'm Seventeen, you'll make me look like a wimp. Don't treat me like a baby anymore.

Dad: Bud... If you grew up like we did... You'd wish we would baby you...

Mom: Dear, please... Alright kiddo, I won't do anything like that... In public.

You: Moooooooommm....

Dad: Alright, we're here. Have fun, and try to make some friends.

You: ... See ya...

You proceed out of the car. You walk several feet, and then you are swiftly grabbed by a girl around your age. (Character later to be revealed as Josephine)

????: Careful.

You: I'm sorry, what?

She points forward.

????: The pit. You were going to fall in it. Watch where you're going, kid.

You look forward. There is a very large crater in front of you. And just passed that is a massive boarded up hole in the wall.

You wonder how on earth that happened.

You: Th-thanks...

Shes already gone. She seems to have gone to join her friend (Friend later to be revealed as Rachel)

You try to continue walking , but your foot nudges an apple, it seems to have some kind of dent in it.

That's weird, other than that one dent, the apple looks fresh. Someone must have wanted to eat it for breakfast but dropped it.

Oh well.

You proceed to the front office of the school.

The secretary looks quite busy, but looks up at you.

Secretary: Can I help you, dear.

You: Umm... Yes, I- I'm the new student...

Secretary: Oh! You... Hold on, I need to call your teacher and let him know you're here... You're homeroom 2-3-6. Try not to speak to anyone other than your classmates. It's for... your... Adjustment...

You: Oh-okay....

You proceed to your room.

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