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In the midst of the chaos, of the frustration, along with the ongoing yells and screams. A group of individuals watch as they attempt to determine the fate of what would be one of their own.

"You can't be serious right now!" A man yelled as a woman with copper hair and a slender frame held her head in frustration.

"We don't have a choice Mr. Grady." She said as he scowled unsatisfied with her response. He then watched as something he cared about was laid out on a table for all to see. However, the thing he cared for was also in an ungodly amount of pain. It was fighting for its own survival as it let out a screech.

"Claire. I don't think - I don't think this is going to work. Your scientists have never attempted what they're suggesting." The man said when another man with dark hair came into the room.

"If I may," the dark haired man spoke earning the coppered hair woman and the man known as Mr. Grady's attention, "I know you're very concerned on account you've raised her from the time she hatched but this procedure could save her life."

Mr. Grady groaned slightly as he heard the dark haired man's words. "You do realize you're talking about splicing human DNA with a highly intelligent prehistoric animal?"

The dark haired man nodded as he then pulled out a needle along with a vile from a silver chromed briefcase. "I know but she will not survive her wounds if we don't do this now." He said

"Owen," the copper haired woman started, "Maybe you should let this happen. For Blue." She said giving him a look.

Owen sighed giving the dark haired man a nod. "Do it." He said while the man nodded.

The man approached the creature as others attempted to hold it down with whatever strength necessary. He then cautiously and carefully injected the liquid into the screeching reptile. As the liquid drained into the creatures system, it began to stop it's ongoing battle as its eyes shut.

"This better work Claire." Owen said flatly.

Claire nodded then gave her attention to the other man. "Thank you Dr. Wu." She said earning yet another nod.

"It was my pleasure." Dr. Wu said with a small smile.

Author's note: OK so first off, hello my lovely readers. I'm back at it again. I know I told myself I wasn't going to overwork myself but you know inspiration comes at all kinds of moments. Either way, this is the prologue to my Jurassic World fanfic which I'm super excited about because I grew up watching the Jurassic Park franchise so this, like my Marvel stories, have a special place in my heart. I hope you all enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it this is so exciting. -Naomi 

Renewed Scales: A Jurassic World FanficWhere stories live. Discover now