'Do you play?' She asks the guy.

All the guys turn their attention towards Rapunzel and walk towards her threatening.

The guy swings his hand with the hook in the air, but then his face softens. 'I do. It's my dream.'

He runs towards the piano and starts playing it: 'I have a dreaaaam!'

The other guys join in: 'I wish I had a girlfriend!' 'I want to be an excellent cook!'

Rapunzel takes Eugene's hand and start dancing with him through the tavern, meanwhile checking on Merida. Merida sits at the table, drinking something, while the twins are laying unconscious on the table. Rapunzel mimics the word 'Anna.' Merida nods, gets up and walks to the back of the tavern.

Rapunzel sighs reassured and keeps dancing with Eugene, who gives her a loving smile.

Suddenly, the door opens with a loud smash 'WHAT IS GOING ON!'

Eugene and Rapunzel turn around staring into the angry face of Mother Gothel.

'How did you even escape? When I'm done with you, I'll take you to a place where no one is going to find you again!'

'I won't let you!' Eugene steps protectively in front of Rapunzel

Mother Gothel laughs 'You only care about her because of the treasure.'

'Actually yes, she IS my treasure. You can't say that back, do you? You only care about her hair and your stupid company!'

Mother Gothel screams and pushes Eugene out of the way. He trips, falls quickly and hits his head on one of the wooden tables. He falls on the ground and doesn't move.

'Eugene!' Rapunzel kneels beside him, but Mother Gothel roughly pulls her back up: 'Come with me, you stupid girl!'

'But it's true right?! You want me only for my hair!'

'So, what? Like your real parents care!'

Tears start to form in Rapunzel's eyes. She looks back at Eugene, laying on the ground.

'I'm the only one you have, Rapunzel...'

'Now she doesn't.' All the guys from the tavern raise their glass in the air: 'Dream-punzel!'

'Oh, shut it!' Mother Gothel shouts, but all the guys keep yelling.

Eugene weakly gets up, holding something in his hand. It's a knife.

'Ra-Rapunzel...Proof it...If you cut your hair, she's got nothing on you!'

'NO! Rapunzel, if you do that, I will destroy everything and everything you love! Just like I did before when I stole you from that palace!'

Eugene just smiles 'Perfect.'

With a loud crash the door opens, and policemen get inside. They run towards Mother Gothel and grab her by the arm.

'What are you fools doing? HE is the criminal!' She points at Eugene.

'Actually, he is the one who called us. We've got a lot of questions about the missing princess.'

They pull her along, towards a police car, while she shouts: 'You ruined the company! You ruined my life! Everything I ever had!'

A police officer walks back in: 'I need you guys later at the police station. The king and queen will be there...Do you guys need a ride?'

Rapunzel shakes her head, still in shock. Then her eyes fill with fear 'Where is...'

'Rapunzel!' She spins around and sees Merida and Anna, safe and sound. She quickly runs towards them and embraces them.

All the guys in the tavern start to sing and play music again.

'Let's leave.' The girls and Eugene step outside.

'I'll bring Anna home.' Merida looks at Anna.

'Thank you everyone...' Anna whispers.

Merida smiles happily and waves while walking away 'Lang may yer lum reek.'

Eugene looks at Rapunzel: 'Still no clue.'

She smiles: 'You'll get used to it.'

Eugene sighs 'So...I guess your dream came true, huh? Freedom and a family! I'll take you home!'

He starts to walk away, but Rapunzel pulls him back. 'You also need to believe in your dream.'

Eugene smiles confused 'I do believe in my dream?'

Rapunzel steps closer and wraps her arms around him: 'You believe that people can love you? Just the way you are? Because, I do.'

Eugene looks up 'You...like me? But you are the princess and perfect and I'm just...'

'...Eugene, though on the outside, but the sweetest guy on the inside.'

'Please tell me we aren't going to get interrupted this time.' He whispers tucking a piece of her hair out of her face.
'We won't.' She whispers to him.

'Good.' He murmurs, keeping his hand on her cheek as he bents down a little and presses his lips gently onto hers. He pulls her closer keeping his hand on the small of her back.

'You are my new dream.' He whispers once they both pull apart.

'And you are mine.'


Classical Disney ending <3 Sorry if it was a bit rushed...For everyone who kept coming back to read this, thank you so much! Buuuut for now on, I'll just stick with oneshots haha. Any requests perhaps? 😊 I promise, I'll finish it soon and just like Rapunzel, I won't break it haha

Merida talk (gotta love the accent)

Whit's fur ye'll no go past ye. Translation: What ever will be, will be. The future's not ours to see.

Yer bum's oot the windae. Translation: You're talking nonsense.

Lang may yer lum reek Translation: I wish you well for the future.

You're my new dream (Flynn x Rapunzel)Where stories live. Discover now