The Beginning

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  Nicole's POV
    Once we all got off the bus we walked into the school and we each went our separate ways. I had to go to the office and grab my schedule and locker combo since i was new here. As i walked into the office i saw this girl about my height or probably an inch shorter she was extremely pretty but she may think I'm weird. She had this hair like Pocahontas and this smile that seems to brighten the room. I proceeded to get my schedule and locker combo. Then the principal whispered something into the girl's ear and pointed at me. I quickly looked down because like i said she may think I'm weird. She walked over to me and introduced herself...her name is Chilli. I looked at her and hesitated to answer because i knew I would stutter so i wrote my name down instead and then she looked at me kinda concerned but then she hugged me. Now that's something you do not see everyday. I hugged her back nearly melting in her arms because of her hug which was so heartfelt and kind of her.
Chilli: can you talk?
  Me: *nods*
  Chilli: ooh okay but why are you so quiet? Are you shy because i can get you out of that habit.
  Me: i-i uuh s-stutter uuh a-a l-lot *quickly looks back down in embarrassment*
Chilli: *laughs* aww, I dont care if you stutter. It's cute and besides people here i very welcoming. Also back to your stuttering being're just cute in general. *pinches my cheek*
  Me: *confused yet shocked*
   Chilli: come on I'll show you around *grabs my hand and leads me out the office*
   I never knew that someone like her would be so nice. Other people as pretty as her would have their head so far up their behind that they can't even smell their own shit no more. Well, I guess I'll be friends with her. I wonder if Trish, Lena, or Lesane knows her. She led me around school showing me the different classrooms.
  Trish's POV
     I got to my locker and opened it, i put some of my books in there but not all of them. I grabbed my binder and marble notebook, i closed my locker to only be frightened by Lesane.
   Me: jesus Lesane, say something next time.
   Lesane: my bad Trish. But uh you want me to walk you to class?
   Me: sure!
   Lesane: let me see your schedule? *holds out his hand*
    Me: *hands him my schedule*
    Lesane: *smiles widely* you know we got the same class together. Come on! *grabs my hand and walks me to class*
    I admit Lesane isn't a bad guy he's honestly kind. He's just a huge flirt, but that's okay as long as I am able to trust him around me then i guess we're cool. Hopefully Lena didn't get lost and especially Nicole because the po' child is so sweet and adorable. But i know that she's special too!
  Lena's POV
    After i grabbed my stuff from the locker I turned to see Michelle who happens to have a crush on me since the 7th grade. I swear if she tries to flirt with me I will slap her to Timbuktu. She's also the biggest player known...I looked her up and down. Okay Michelle ain't that bad once you get to know her but she has to drop the player life. You can never tell when she joking or if she's serious, she's always got a straight face and these eyes that'll pierce through your soul. Her voice is idk deep i's something about it that'll make girls go crazy for her.
  Me: what do you want Michelle?
  Michelle: Now Lena, that's no way to talk to a friend. I just wanted to check on ya that's all.
  Me: Well you've done enough checking now get to stepping.
  Michelle: *gives me a look that i can never resist* now Lena why you buggin man.
Me: fine you can stay but don't give me that look.
  Michelle: *looks deeply in my eyes while giving me that same look* like this?
  Me: *looking back into her eyes* yeah like that....
  Michelle: *lifts my chin up and kiss my lips softly; pulls away* I'm always here for you babygirl *walks away*
   I lean back onto my locker, why lena why. You had one job to get to class and not lag behind. I walked to class to see nicole and this girl about her height coming this way. I waited for them and they eventually stopped at the same class, the girl walked the opposite direction to her class while me and nicole were standing face to face. Nicole doesn't seem like the fighting type so imma protect her. We walked into class and i took a seat at the back of the class to see Lesane on my left and Trish on my right then Nicole sat in front. The gang is all here.
   (A/N) that was cool...y'all did not see what happened between Lena and Michelle "the biggest player" lets hope she changes her ways. And lena better not let Nicole's babyface fool her.

High school dayz: freshman yrOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora