You shrugged and tried to focus on the lecture again, you hadn't missed much, Mr. Jefferson was droning on and Victoria was being her usual brown nosing self. You heard the distinctive click of Max's Polaroid camera and Mr. Jefferson hushed the class and turned toward Max, "I believe Max has just taken what your generation refers to as a 'selfie'." Mr. Jefferson proceeded to ask Max question about the origins of the self-portrait, which she surprisingly got right; which in turn royally pissed Victoria off.

Mercifully class ended shortly thereafter and Max was out the door in the blink of an eye; you made a quick stop at your locker to switch textbooks when the fire alarm started ringing. That put all of the students into a mild panic as everyone filed outside; there was of course one person that you were looking for that wasn't present. You didn't see Nathan anywhere but you figured out why when you heard the principal ordering him to report to his office. Long story short everyone, was released from classes that afternoon so you found yourself making the arduous trip back to your dorm.

With a heavy sigh you tossed your bag onto your chair and slumped down onto your bed while flipping through your incoming text messages on your phone. You typed out a couple quick replies before dialing Nathan's number but the call went straight to voicemail; just like it did last night. You were getting stir crazy so you decided that you would pretty much rather be anywhere but your dorm room right now. So you picked up your bag and car keys, heading toward the parking lot with no real destination in mind.

You were pretty much stuck in your thoughts when you heard someone calling out to you; you looked up and saw Max sitting with Warren on top of his car. You walked over and greeted them both, "Hey Max... Hey Warren! How are you guys doing?" You looked over at Max and noticed that she seemed a little out of it, "Max, are you all right? You don't seem like yourself especially back in art class..."

Max gave a timid smile and shook her head, "It's been one hell of a day and I'm not sure you'll believe me if I tell you..."

You quirked your lips, "Come on, try me..."

Max smiled but something over your shoulder caught her attention, you turned around and saw Nathan storming up to Max, "Max Caulfield, do you like hanging out in the bathroom and taking pictures of people, huh?"

You were shocked to see Nathan acting this way but it was as if he didn't even notice your presence. Max found her voice and stared Nathan down, "Look I don't know what the hell you're talking about..."

That only spurred Nathan on as he got in her face, "I know you're new here but you've got a lot of nerve sending the principal after me. Nobody messes with me... I own this school."

Warren tried to intervene but Nathan gave him a vicious head-butt that sent him hurtling to the ground. And then he was charging after Max again you reached out and grabbed Nathan's arm but to your surprise he pushed you to the ground. You were terrified you had never seen Nathan get this angry before when he realized what he had done he looked almost remorseful but that was short-lived. It was a flurry of motion after that, Warren tackled Nathan to the ground as Max pulled you up off the floor and the two of you were nearly hit by a truck. You looked up and saw someone that you really weren't expecting, a blast from the past, Chloe was behind the wheel staring at you and Max in shock. She quickly threw the door of her car open and called to the two of you, "Max! Y/N! Hurry up and get in!"

You and Max quickly scurried into Chloe's truck just as Nathan came running over, he kicked the door of Chloe's truck, "Get your punk ass out of the truck!"

You had never seen Nathan this angry before so you quickly looked over at Chloe, "Go, Chloe! Let's just get out of here!" Within the blink of an eye Chloe was peeling out of the parking lot and speeding down the highway. You let go of a breath that you weren't aware you were holding, "Holy shit! What the hell was that about? Thanks for that Chloe. Uh, how do you and Max know each other?"

High and Dry (Nathan Prescott x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now