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Today is our 6 year anniversary. Crazy right. Well not really me and Melo have been dating since sixth grade now we are both in 10th grade.

Anyway right now I'm driving to go and surprise Melo. I've been away for my dance academy in New York and they gave me one week of vacation. I haven't seen Melo since the beginning of summer which was last year. So you could say I haven't seen Melo for a year.

At the ball residence

Knock knock

I waited a few second before Zo answered the door. "You're back (y/n), haven't seen you since last year" Zo said. I smiled and gave home a huge  hug. Zo is like a big brother I never had. "So where is Melo." I asked with a big smile in my face. Zoe's smile dropped and gave me a sad look. "Well... you see... I was going to tell you but—" I cut him off. With a serious look in my face I asked him. "Where is he". Zo looked guilt and sad. I was scared as to what is was going to say. "He's in his room". As soon as those room left his mouth I fast walked straight to his room.

As I open his door I see a girl on top of him naked. That sight broke me. "Melo....what are you doing" I asked. Melos eyes snapped to me "babe what are you doing here" he said while putting on sweatpants. "I came to surprise you but I guess I will cut my vacation short." I said while closing the door.

As I went downstairs I hear Melo calling me. I bolted out the door and headed to my car. I quickly drove out of the driveway and headed home.

When I got home I told my parent that my vacation was cut short and that they needed me back at the academy.

At the airport

As I was waiting for them to call my flight my phone rang.


I sighed and picked up the phone

(Y/n): Hello

Melo: (y/n) I'm sorry I didn't mean to cheat on you.

(Y/n): sorry is not gonna cut it it's over Melo

When I finished the call the announcer people called my flight

As I aboard the plan I couldn't help but think of Melo and why he cheated on me.

At New York

"So Melo cheated on you with that bitch Ashley" my bed frien said
"Yes he's did we're you listening to the story" I asked shalisa
"Ye-" she didn't get to finish because someone was calling her. "Brb" I sighed and went back to watching tv.

*days later*

Knock knock

I woke up to the sound of knocking. I groaned because who would be knocking at this ungodly hour. When I opens the door I see Melo standing before my eyes.

"Hey (y/n)" Melo said "what are you doing here" I said "I came to apologize (y/n) I didn't mean to cheat on you I'm sorry" he said while crying. I move aside so Melo can come through. " come in" I said.

"Look (y/n) I didn't mea—" I cut home off with a kiss.  As we pulled away to take a breath I said "it's ok but if you doing again that bitch better sleep with her eyes open because ima bout cut her." I finished

I'm sorry for not uploading earlier I'm dealing with a heart break but no excuses. Hoped you enjoy this story. Vote  comment and while you're at it follow me

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