Chapter two

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The air inside the house was cold. Audrey DiPalma didn't seem to care and walked straight through a small hall with two doors, strangely the house had no stairs. But then again it looked tinier than the other houses and the others where build higher. She took the right door into a room which I can only assume was the living room. It was poorly decorated. There was a fireplace without a fire which I wouldn't have minded if only it wasn't so damn cold in here. In the room there was only a table with something folded on it. Miss DiPalma walked over to the table leaving me in the doorway looking around the room only to find out that the table was the only piece of furniture in there. She grabbed the thing on the table and handed it over to me. It was thin and black and had buttons on it. No, I am not wearing this. No way. Miss DiPalma kept staring at me impatiently and finally said with an annoyed voice 'well come on we haven't got all day'.

She can't be serious, right?

Her stare finally forced me to undress. It felt so awkward. I started shivering as I undressed slowly. The moment I stripped down to my underwear and wanted to put on the dress, she stopped me. She pointed to the ground where a white bundle had fallen from the package. I hadn't noticed it. Quickly I grabbed it only to find out that it was a pair of panties. Shit these are for old people they are hideous. Who in their right minds would wear this? Oh, she really wants me to put it on. I removed my own underwear which at that moment felt worse than any heartbreak I had ever had. I put on the panties which were a few sizes too big for me so they were loose but didn't fall down. Miss DiPalma looked happier, but still not satisfied. I then grabbed the black package from the ground and folded it out in front of me. It was a black dress, the same one that miss DiPalma was wearing. Still shivering heavily from the cold I quickly put it on although it did not provide much warmth. Well it's still better than nothing. Somewhat uneased I stroked the dress down trying to make it somehow feel a bit more comfortable. Miss DiPalma smiled for the first time since I saw her although she still looked unsatisfied. She stared at me for a while, an awkward silence came between us. If only she would speak. And after a while she did briefly. 'your hair it's a shame, it's so long.' I frowned. My hair was just underneath my shoulder blades. I liked it that way. 'Well, I like it this way it makes me look better.' If only you were able to see her face. She was shocked. Shocked that I dared to speak to her that way and that my viewing was different than hers. Something snapped inside of her. She lost her patience. With big yet graceful steps she left the room. I heard a drawer being opened and closed and something shoving in the other room which probably was the kitchen. It didn't take her long before she came back with a chair dragged in one hand and a pair of scissors in her other hand. She put the chair in the middle of the room and let her hand rest on it. 'Sit.' Her face stayed expressionless. She was not giving in. To be honest she scared me. Big time. I decided this was the time to let her know I'm not giving in easily even though I was dying to sit down. 'no, I wondt.' An eyebrow was raised. She repeated her demand, her voice slightly more annoyed than it was the first time. Get the hint. She waited a bit longer. I am not going to sit on the damn chair. The moment she realized I was not going to sit down she sighed. The scissors where put down with the loud sound of the force from the knock between metal and wood. Quickly she approached me and grabbed my arm while whispering something to herself. What is she saying? Even when she pulled me close to her I was not able to understand what she was saying. It sounded like gibberish. Her grip was tight. It hurts. She pulled me onto the chair with such force that I almost fell off. I don't want to be saying this but thank god she was still holding my arm. When I regained my balance she let go of my arm to get the scissors. When she got back she pulled my hair. My eyes teared up. No she cannot do this. She can not. 'You are a disgrace for our community. Percival shouldn't have brought you here.' I was almost screaming from the pain while miss DiPalma pulled my hair even harder. Tears were running down my face now. I tried to grab her hands and succeeded, but her grip was too strong.

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