1. {Diath Is Sensitive, Don't Call him a "Thief"}

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I race down the stone path, that leads down Waterdeep's streets, with two angry ghouls chasing after me, their skin pale. One is tall, the other shorter. I scoff, and grab hold of a light fixture and swing up onto a balcony. I see the two of them looking around. "Where did he go?" The taller one asks. "I dunno! He was just here!" The other ghoul answers. I snicker.

"Up here!" I yell down. They look up. I place my hand on my sword hilt."Fight us like living scum that you are!" The shorter ghoul says. "According to the Waterdavian law, I can't." Both of them look at each other, "It's not worth it. We'll find someone else to feed on." Shortie says to Tall. Tall nodded. They start to leave.

I climb down. Once they left, I walk to the house that we're being loaned by a acquaintance, Magnus. I walk in to find Paultin Seppa, (our Bard), drinking wine in his fancy chair he calls "Strahd Von Chairovich".

Paultin has short and disheveled, blond hair, a goatee, he also carries around a mandolin, and his bagpipes. "Hey, Paultin," I say. He looks up. "I take it you were successful?" I nod. He shrugs, opening one of his wineskins that he always has on him.

"Diath!" Says Strix Beestinger, our Sorceress. "Hey, how are you?" I ask her. "I'm okay. How are you?" She asks. "Fine. Got what we needed." She sighs. "Okay, good. Glad you're safe." I nod. "Me too," I say, grabbing hold of her hands. Strix smiles, and wanders back into the kitchen.

"I really like how you two look after each other," says Evelyn, our Paladin. She has curly blonde hair, and a small frame, but she is the strongest person in the party. She has a battle axe called Tree Bane and a sword called the Heart of Spinelli, which causes fire damage.

I smile, and nod. You may be wondering why a Sorceress, a Paladin (and their Owlbear Waffles), a Bard (with his robot 'son' Simon), and a Rogue are doing together? Well, It started out with me and Strix, I found her digging through some trash, and we ended up becoming friends.

I got in trouble for stealing money (which I didn't do) from a bartender, Evelyn, seeing my 'light' defended me. We were in a tavern, where a rather drunk (then again, when is he not)? Paultin, was playing. He and Evelyn joined us soon after that. Evelyn is a paladin of the "Morning Lord Lathander", trying to 'shine his light', or whatever, she's very preachy. Strix, as I said, lived on the streets. Why she puts up with me is unknown to me.

Evelyn looks at me. "Well? Don't leave us hanging! What did you get?" I pull up my sack. "Some bakery supplies for Strix, and other things like that," I answer, as I set the sack down by the bar. I sit down on at a table. Strix sits down next to me, with her tail brushing my back.

She's a Tiefling. A very smelly one. Tieflings aren't known to be trustworthy, but I would trust her with my life, and my heart. "You're going to go back out again, aren't you?" I nod, as I was gonna see if things were alright around here. "That's fine, right?" Seeing her expression, I place my hand on her shoulder. "I'll be fine," I assure her, smiling. She nods, and stands up.

"See you later then." "Mm-hmm, bye." I tell her. She smiles. I see Evelyn heading upstairs. Paultin walks over to me, and chuckles. "How are the two of you not together yet?" I scoff and hit him. "I'm being serious, Diath. The chat needs it." "Paultin, you're drunk." I say, looking at Paultin. He nods. "I'm not as think as you drunk I am."

I smile. "Okay, Paultin. I'm going out again, rest your drunken butt." He chuckles. "Very well. G'night, Diath." "Night, Paultin," I say back. With a sigh, I walk out the door. The sun is high in the sky, and I hear shouts.

I pull out my daggers, and gasp. I see a person running this way, with the royal guard behind him, holding what looks like a sword. I walk out onto the porch, grab the man by the shoulder, and slam him against the support beam of the porch.

"Who are you? And why are you running?" I place Gutter (my short sword "of backstabbing"! Apparently), at his throat. "My, my, testy, are we? I merely wanted to rob people senseless. How rude of you to deny me of such a pleasure!" I scoff. "Right, I'm the rude one because I won't allow you to steal from me, or anyone! Well, my bad, then! Apologies!" He smiles. "Exactly! I thank you for apologizing, dear sir." I scoff. "Do you not understand sarcasm? It's something that you should probably learn!"

"Oh, tell me, what is sarcasm? I would like to know, sir." I sigh. "What I said! I was not apologizing, but rather saying that your logic made no sense! You're asking me to apologize for a 'crime' but you're committing the crime! You're trying to steal from me, and you want me to apologize for it!"

He sighs. "Okay, I believe I understand. But are you not a thief also? You talk, why do you judge me for taking from a thief?" "It's not like that at all! I'm no thief!" "Aye," The Robber says. "But you have stolen before. You can justify it all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a crime."

I scoff. "Wait a minute. I saw you on a wanted poster in town. You're Dorris Sarren! The Elven murderer/thief everyone's been talking about." "Aye, I am. Nice job figuring it out." Sarren says. Someone yelps. I turn to see it's Strix. She's standing in the doorway, and she sighs. "Didn't mean to worry you." I say. Her eyes go wide.

"Strix?" I ask. She pull out her staff. "AHH! Diath?" She says. "Yes?" I ask. "He's a bad guy?" She says, biting her lip, her pointed teeth showing. I nod. "Strix, can you make some vines to entrap him? He's going to the dungeons." Strix nods, and with her staff, vines appear around Sarren. "Thank you, Strix." She smiles.

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