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Melkun Skizziks, (a Tiefling) gained power when the Prince, Diath Woodrow, was an infant. Melkun was adviser to the king, (Diath's father, Ashton Woodrow), and Melkun was obsessed with power and ruling, (he also had a distaste for the family the Woodrows descended from, the Lorcatha).

He got King Ashton drunk and convinced him in his drunken state to sign over the kingdom to him. After this, he killed Ashton, but couldn't find the Queen, (Diath's mother, Dareth Woodrow). In a panic, he rushed to the nursery to stop the only Heir to the throne, Diath.

But when he arrived, all he found was Queen Dareth. She laughed at him, and told him that Diath was long gone, and that one day, Diath would come back and take the Throne of Waterdeep out from under Melkun's feet. Hearing this, Melkum pulled out his sword (named Decimation of Untamed Sorrow), and stabbed Queen Dareth in the chest.

After that Melkun blamed their deaths on a fellow adviser, and enemy to Melkum, Luthien Laerune, an Elf. She was sent to prison.  But Diath went out to live at the Temple of Lathander, in the Spires of Waterdeep.

Diath has been unaware of his heritage and has lived on WWaterdavian streets for years. He met a tiefling, Strix Beestinger, who he started to hang out with.

Melkun had the city searched, but no one could find Prince Diath. In anger, he had 3 of the Waterdavian guards who failed to find Diath beheaded, and thus his reign of terror began.

He curses Queen Dareth's name for saving the one person who could stand to de-throne him. He feverishly searches for the Heir That Was Lost...

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