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At nineteen, Ikedinachi already looked overgrown for his age. He was dark, hairy, tall -like his father, and hugely built. He expresses himself well both in his mother tongue -igbo- and his lingua franca - English. He has sideburns and likes wearing his grown naturally-carved beard which made him look more handsome and advanced in age. He was loved by all that knew him due to his charming and caring personality.

Following the conversation with his parents, he still had to convince himself that University was the best option for him now. He fought within himself and was able to bring himself to focus and study for higher institution. He made the necessary preparations and took the requisite examination for entry into the University. His parents were very supportive and wished him well.

The following couple of months were worrisome for him as he waited anxiously for the release of the lists of successful candidates. He often wondered how fast things change; barely a couple of month's back he was kicking against any going-to-University idea, and now he hopes to be among the successful candidates. He could not wait to be told that he made it through to the University pre-placement exam – JAMB, as it is known, partly because he took the exam and failing would not be an option but mainly to make his parents proud. They would be more excited than him, and he simply knew it.

Luck was on his side as he was successful. A colleague of his had stopped by to tell him that he saw his name on the list when he accompanied his cousin to check for his result in Enugu State University of Science and technology, popularly known as ESUT for short.

"Yes, I sat for the examination," he was breathing very fast.

"Are you serious? So, congratulation is in order? I was thinking it was a coincidence."

"Emm... what?" He asked in anxiety. He began adjusting his clothes properly and was ready to make his way to ESUT to see his name on the list with his own eyes.

"Hey! Ikedinachi, why did you have to fool others by making them think you have no interest in going to the University?" Enuma sounded very furious, not like someone who just congratulated a mate.

He continued, "I remember vividly that you talked about various business ideas most times and how prepared you were to venture into them as soon as we left school. I never imagined people could be that deceitful and I did not expect that from you. By the way, I sat for a different University, and they are yet to release their result. I was not caught in your web though."

"Oh! Enuma do not sound like that." Ikedinachi was sadened by his tone and how he has
misunderstood his situation.

"It is not exactly as you have made it look. I have always said that and meant it, but my parents have never supported me, so I simply gave in to their idea. It was a difficult moment for me. I am sorry if that was how you felt then, I did not intend to discourage others from going to the University."

Enuma was not sure if he meant what he was saying. For all he cared, he had told him his piece of mind, and it was obvious that he was truly angered.

"Well, congrats again."   

"Thank you," Ikedinachi replied this time. "Enuma, thanks for stopping by to let me know."

Ikedinachi hurried to the university which was less than 10km from his house to confirm the news himself. Within minutes, he was at the University. He was shaking at the sight of his name among the list of successful students. He started scribbling his admission number, his name and department on a piece of paper he had brought out from the side pocket of his trouser. Ordinarily, he would have noted only the number, but he was very nervous and copied both the number and his own name. He did not know exactly what to do, whether to tour around the school or to go home and share the news with his family and friends. It was as though that guilty version of him previously before Enuma did not exist anymore.

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