The end?

88 4 16

"Why did you guys get meatball subs without us?", said poor Dan as he stood in the doorway.

"Dan, this isn't what it looks like!"

"What it looks like is you two went and got sandwiches without us! How could you! Don't you think that maybe, just maybe, that the rest of us would have enjoyed eating sandwiches with you guys."

Dan was super dupes angry and felt like punching something.

But he didn't.

"We're sorry Dan," said James "We didn't know you guys felt that way. Our love is just too hot to contain. I think I speak for both of us when I say that we want to apologize to all of you."

"Boy don't be speakin' for me. I can speak for myself. I would also like to apologize." Seamus couldn't help but adding in.

They cleaned up the hotel room and decided to make their way towards the Subway. They were hoping to intercept the others along the way, assuming they had already left the restaurant.

Sly was a total creeper as he lurked behind the three, paying close attention to the happy couple hand in hand.

They ran into the other two sooner than expected and the tension of words unsaid was starting to build.

Seamus spoke first.

"Guys, I'm sorry we had sandwiches without you. We weren't thinking and we didn't take your feelings into account."

Just as Jordan was about to speak, James cut him off, "And were sorry about all those other times we had sandwiches without you. And we're so for all of those times we played LIFE without you Aleks, I know that's your favorite game. And most of all we're sorry that we didn't invite you guys to Christmas dindin."

Aleks and Jordan stood in shock. A small crystal tear fell from Jordan's eye. The two ran towards the couple for a group hug and there was tears and sobs and other sappy things.

As they broke apart, James looked a little nervous.

"James bby what's wrong." Seamus was already emotional, he didn't need his Jam Jams upset.

"Well Moose, I guess this is the perfect time for this."

Everything got quiet.

"Seamus, I've known you for a long time. We used to hang out and play games and stuff. Then we like started dating and it was supper awsome. I guess what I'm trying to say is..."

James got down on one knee and pulled a black box out of his pocket.

"Seamus O'Doherty, will you do me the honor of being my butt buddy by giving me your hand in marriage?"


"Sure I guess."

Every screamed in excitement.

After slipping the ring on Seamus hand, James stood up and engulfed his fiancé in a hug. Sly was in the corner, fangirling his heart out.

The hug soon ended and Seamus couldn't help but taking a glimpse at his new ring.

"Mmmmmm grrrrl! He went ta Jared!"

He squealed in delight and proceeded to jump up and down with Sly like a school girl.

Everyone was happy and it seemed like things couldn't get any better.

~~~Skippity do da Skippity yay~~~

It was a bright and sunny day. Everything was perfect. It had been a couple months since that faithful day when James proposed and finally the time had come.

Seamus was ready. As the music started to play, he began his slow walk down the aisle to his one true love. His heart was beating out of his chest and he really just wanted to run down the aisle a fast as he could.

After what seemed like hours he had arrived at the alter. He took hold of James hands holding them like his life depended on it. The pastor said some things but Seamus didn't really care. He was lost in James dark eyes. He was soon back to reality when he heard those two little words.

"James Richard Wilson Jr., do you take Seamus as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." :D

"And do you, Seamus Paddy O'Doherty take James as your lawfully wedded husband."


Everyone gasped, they were so shocked at this turn of events.


"Then you may now kiss your husband!"

They're faces smashed against each other's as tears of joy rolled down down their cheeks.

"James bby I luv u."

"I love you too, babe."

Seamus was too happy to say anything about that horrible word. The world just seemed ten times better now that he could live life with James.


PS. Sly was the flower girl.

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