“Looks like you’ve got a stone under your skin,” Will said when he turned the water off. “Hey, Hannah, I left the tweezers in the kit on the couch.”

Hannah obediently went to retrieve the utensil without saying a word. Once Will had the tool, he cradled my hand in his and quickly removed the pebble before running my hands under warm water again. We then went back into the living room. Will checked me over again before concluding that I had a mild concussion.

“So what were you doing that got you hit by a car?” Will asked as he put away the first-aid kit.

“I don’t know,” I mumbled.

“You don’t know? Do you not remember?”

I shook my head.

“Well, with a hard hit to the head, you could have received amnesia. What do you remember?”

“I know my name and that’s about it. All I remember is what happened when I woke up in the street until now.”

“Hm.” Will rubbed his chin. “I’ll definitely mention that to Dev.”

“Who’s Dev?” I asked, my curiosity taking stage.

“Devan is the head of this whole thing. I don’t think I should explain what it is to you yet. But anyway, he’s the one who will threaten you the most. There’s also Nate, the blonde one. Kyle’s got the messy hair that is hard to miss. And there is Owen who is the one who brought you in.”

“His eyes scare me,” I admitted.

“Who? Owen?”


“Yeah, he’s a bit intimidating at first, but he’s no more threatening than a puppy.”

“Puppies have a tendency to bite,” I pointed out.

“Yes, and Owen will if you aggravate him. You’re a pretty good shot. Right in the knee. I know plenty of guys who can’t make a shot like that.”

“Will I get my memory back?”

“There’s a good possibility. It will just take some time.”

“William,” Someone called him from the doorway. I recognized him as Owen. “We need you now.”

“Right,” Will stood up and pulled me to my feet as well. “I have to take care of Nick who will not be happy that he was taken down by a girl. You need to get some sleep. Owen, you wanna bring her to her room?”

Owen nodded once and Will went off where Owen had come from.

“This way,” Owen said to me.

I followed him, but kept some distance between us because I still felt wary around him. He brought me up a flight of stairs to a bedroom that was ready for someone to use.

“There’s a bathroom just down the hall,” Owen told me. “It’s got anything you need for…that.” He cleared his throat. “Yeah, sorry for the mix-up, by the way.”

I would have glared at him for such a stupid comment, but the bed was calling me so instead I just waved my hand in the air to say ‘whatever’ as I made my way over to the bed.

“Mary will be here tomorrow to wake you up.” He said as I lay down.

“Go away,” I just about snapped at him.

He raised an eyebrow. “What did I do?”

“What did you do?” The drug they had given me was wearing off. “You’re the reason I’m stuck here. You kidnapped me!”

“I’m sorry, alright?” The only thing that changed was his tone; otherwise he remained just standing in the door as if he were conversing with a friend. “If I could bring you back, I would. But unfortunately that’s not my call.”

“Why can’t you?”

“Devan is the one in charge, not me.”

I rolled my eyes, muttering about him being an actual puppy following his master. I know Owen heard me because his eyes set a glare on me, but he didn’t do anything about it. He just shut off the light and closed the door. I sighed loudly, not even bothering to take my shoes off or cover myself up before falling asleep.

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